Tuesday, August 25, 2009

‘Implementation of NGO bill could taint Zambia’s image’

‘Implementation of NGO bill could taint Zambia’s image’
Written by Agness Changala
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 3:31:54 PM

MS-ZAMBIA has said the implementation of the NGO Bill could taint Zambia’s image abroad and have repercussions on the donor communities’ willingness to commit their resources to the country.

MS-Zambia is a donor institution that funds over 20 organisations in Zambia ranging from national advocacy based Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to Community Based Organisations (CBOs) at district levels.

Among those funded are Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD), Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), Anti-Voter Apathy Project (AVAP), Southern Africa Centre for the Construction of Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD), Caritas Zambia and Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA).

In an interview, MS-Zambia country director Finn Peterson said the NGO bill was unnecessary because all of his organisation’s partners were fulfilling the requirements and obligations to handle funds and carry out developmental activities according to their partnership agreements, following principles of transparency and accountability.

He observed that in its present form, the NGO bill imposed serious restraints on the work and functions of the NGOs.

“Its provisions are in direct infringement of the rights to freedom of speech and assembly, which are enshrined in the Zambian Constitution,” Peterson said.

He said the bill would ultimately be detrimental to Zambian society as a whole.

“We believe the NGO bill is rather restrictive than facilitative in championing the development agenda,” he said.

Peterson said the bill did not aim to encourage a free and vibrant civil society in Zambia.

Government has decided to implement the NGO bill for the purpose of regulating the operations of NGOs, claiming that it would promote transparency and accountability in the way they utilised donor funds.

The government presented the bill for third reading to Parliament shortly before it adjourned even when the CSOs had requested that the bill be withdrawn, arguing that it did not reflect what they submitted when they were consulted.

The CSOs have since planned to petition President Rupiah Banda not to assent to the NGO bill.

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