
Friday, August 21, 2009

Letters - Separation of powers

Separation of powers
Written by Chilufya S. Chanda

I was not surprised by the judgment passed in the Chiluba theft case because any human being worth his salt should have read between the lines when President Banda told the nation that Chiluba was a damn good president.

The challenge for most Zambians is to understand what it is that President Banda has seen in Chiluba that his former boss, Levy Mwanawasa, did not. Unless there is something that must be hidden from the people of Zambia, President Banda should tell the nation how Chiluba was a damn good president.

My intention, however, is not to contest the judgment but the suspicious relationship between the Executive and Judiciary. When the Executive makes leading statements and what citizens interpreted comes to pass, it can never be treated as mere coincidence. Separate the Executive and Judiciary in order for this institution to regain the confidence of the people of Zambia.

Zambians know about the London judgment against Chiluba in which the man has been found liable. The Zambian judgment will not change anything about the London judgment.

Chiluba must tell the people of Zambia where he got his millions of dollars which were held in the Zamtrop account when Zambian people were and are still wallowing in poverty.

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