
Friday, August 21, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Gono, Tomana going nowhere: VP Mujuru

Gono, Tomana going nowhere: VP Mujuru
Floyd Nkomo
Fri, 21 Aug 2009 11:11:00 +0000

VICE PRESIDENT Joice Mujuru has slammed the Movement for Democratic Change for calling for the axing of Reserve Bank Governor Dr Gideon Gono and Attorney General Johannes Tomana saying their appointments were constitutional and made before the signing of the all-party agreement.

Speaking at a Zanu PF Mashonaland Central Provincial Women’s League meeting in Guruve on Wednesday, the vice president dismissed MDC-T claims that President Mugabe erred in appointing the reserve bank governor and the attorney general, saying everything had been done constitutionally.

She said the appointments were made before the signing of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) between the two formations of the MDC and Zanu PF which paved the way for the formation of the inclusive Government.

PM Tsvangirai disputes President Mugabe's appointment of new Attorney General Tomana and the re-appointment of reserve bank governor Gono for another five years, after his first term. He argues that the appointment shows lack of faith in the GPA. The GPA, however, is silent on these appointments which are made by the president.

"Those appointments were made before the formation of the inclusive Government," said VP Mujuru.

"Everything was done constitutionally and the president reserves the right to make those appointments," she added, saying that "MDC calls (for the removal of the two) are completely misplaced."

The VP also criticised the MDC-T party for making noise about "oustanding issues" in the implementation of the GPA when they have failed to call for the lifting of sanctions and the ban of "foreign-based pirate radio stations that illegally broadcast in Zimbabwe."

"There are many issues that the MDC-T party is yet to recognise, that are enshrined in the global political agreement.

"The (Zanu PF) politburo is not happy with the progress of the implementation of the GPA and they are concerned about the MDCs failure to call for an end to illegal sanctions imposed by Britain, America and their allies, among a host of other issues," said the VP.

"President Mugabe wants peace in this country and we should support him in that call," she added saying there was need for all Zimbabweans to discuss their differences in a mature manner rather than waste time on rumours.

Mashonaland Central province on Wednesday joined a growing list of Zanu party structures endorsing President Mugabe as the party’s leader and candidate ahead of the December national congress.

VP Mujuru paid tribute to the province for retaining faith in the current presidium's leadership.

The province became the sixth province after Manicaland, Midlands, Bulawayo, Masvingo and Mashonaland West to endorse President Mugabe.

According to the Zanu PF constitution, to get into the Presidium a person needs the support of at least six of the 10 provinces.

This means that President Mugabe automatically becomes Zanu PF party's candidate at the next presidential elections.

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