Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Levy’s death pleased Chiluba – Shakas

Levy’s death pleased Chiluba – Shakas
Written by Patson Chilemba
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:14:16 PM

KATUBA MMD member of parliament Jonas Shakafuswa yesterday charged that former president Frederick Chiluba was definitely happy when president Levy Mwanawasa died.
And former finance minister Ng'andu Magande said Chiluba has no humanity.

Reacting to Chiluba’s statement that God allowed Rupiah Banda to be President to create an environment in which the Judiciary would freely decide on his corruption cases as well as assertions of tribalism [family tree] during president Mwanawasa’s reign, Shakafuswa asked Chiluba to shut up.

He said the statements coming from Chiluba showed that he was happy over president Mwanawasa’s death.

Shakafuswa said God did not take away president Mwanawasa so that a crook could be allowed to get off the hook on corruption charges.

"Even if He [God] took away president Mwanawasa, He still has the best for this country. He didn't do it for one crook to get away, off the hook. He [Chiluba] should tell us who put that money in that account. A lot of people have not forgotten his misrule. He sold companies for a song and where did the money go?" Shakafuswa, who is the late president’s nephew, asked. "We should forgive him. He is a sick person. He definitely was happy when president Mwanawasa died. But for us also, we celebrate president Mwanawasa’s life for what he brought."

Shakafuswa said he was a very proud "family tree" to have been associated with president Mwanawasa who did his best for the country.

He said even if several people hated president Mwanawasa, they hated him not for the wrongs he committed, but what he stood for.

Shakafuswa said he initially went against his own uncle when he stood as member of parliament on the UPND ticket because of Chiluba’s dirtiness.

He said the UPND wanted to bring in new life, away from Chiluba’s corruption and abuse.

"I stood against my uncle because I believed he was going to be a stooge of Chiluba. But what came out was different from what Chiluba had wanted," said Shakafuswa. "If he knew what injustice he did to Dr Kenneth Kaunda and the country; he brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy. He should shut up."

And Magande said to accuse a dead person who could not defend himself did not show any humanity on the part of Chiluba.

He said Chiluba would not live on this earth forever and should imagine himself being talked about in the same manner he talked about president Mwanawasa.

"To show those traits and characteristics as a leader... he is not showing humanity as a leader," Magande said. "Wanting to be talking enough about Levy and his reign, he should not be campaigning. We have a President. Let him just help President Rupiah Banda to rule properly. As for the issue of the family tree, I don’t know. I thought that was just a jargon for those of you in the press. But I am surprised to have heard it from a former president."

Magande said president Mwanawasa had been around for a long time, but wondered why Chiluba only chose to attack him after his demise.

"All I can say really with that kind of statement by the president in a religious environment is very unfortunate, he [president Mwanawasa] was alive and he could not challenge him. What he is expecting is that we who worked with president Mwanawasa are going to start defending him," said Magande. "If he thinks he did a lot of good for the people, same with president Mwanawasa."

Addressing congregants at the Bible Gospel Church in Africa (BIGOCA) in Lusaka’s Matero compound last Sunday, Chiluba said God created an environment for the judiciary to freely decide on his matter by allowing Banda to be President.

He said the MMD’s national executive committee (NEC) was dominated by the family tree, who spent a lot of money to elect themselves.

Chiluba said Banda emerged from nowhere to become President and now he was unifying the nation.

"Our nation was being split. Kenneth Kaunda had a legacy of One Zambia, One Nation. But certainly after I left office, we came to know tribes, not by identification, but discrimination and isolation," said Chiluba.

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