
Saturday, August 29, 2009

(LUSAKATIMES) The Clash between MMD and PF Cadres

The Clash between MMD and PF Cadres
Saturday, August 29, 2009, 10:27
By Henry Kyambalesa

I wish to comment on the recent clash between Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) and Patriotic Front (PF) cadres outside Lusaka magistrate court complex during the trial of Post news editor Chansa Kabwela yesterday.

The scuffle left one PF cadre with a deep cut on the forehead. Joseph Chama was allegedly hit with a screw driver during the physical confrontation. He was immediately rushed to the University Teaching Hospital for treatment.

What is really the source of such savage and uncivilized behavior among political cadres in our beloved country?

We need to learn to engage in politics without physically assaulting others. We need to remember that we are Zambians first in spite of the different political parties we belong to.There are 73 different tribes to which we belong, or the different languages we speak. And we also have the same dreams as members of the larger Zambian family!

As we seek to improve the livelihoods of each and every Zambian, we should put our political alignments, tribal identities, religious convictions, and professional affiliations aside and work together as a nation. We need to strive to create a society in which political, ethnic, cultural, racial, and religious diversity is appreciated, tolerated and celebrated.

We should not allow politics to create divisions amongst us to the extent of battering each other during campaigns and whenever we have differences in opinion over national issues. We should avoid acting savagely toward one another. And we need to pray for one another, and for our beloved country. After all, we are one and the same people – we are members of the Zambian family!

“How good and how pleasant it is for breth­ren to dwell in oneness!” ? Psalms 133:1.

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