
Saturday, August 29, 2009

MMD cadres beat up PF youths at court

MMD cadres beat up PF youths at court
Written by Staff Reporters
Saturday, August 29, 2009 7:30:39 PM

RULING MMD and opposition PF cadres yesterday clashed outside Lusaka magistrate court complex during the trial of Post news editor Chansa Kabwela and a separate case of Post reporter Chibaula Silwamba.

During the clash, MMD cadres stabbed a PF supporter, Joseph Chama, with a screwdriver in the chick and it pierced right through his mouth, while another one was severely beaten by the ruling party cadres in full view of police.

Opposition PF and UPND cadres had gone to give support to Kabwela who is charged with circulating obscene matters or things tending to corrupt public morals.

The MMD cadres had also gone to give support to the state and MMD Lusaka Province youth chairperson Chris Chalwe who was appearing in court for assaulting Silwamba, Times of Zambia reporter Anthony Mulowa and photojournalist Richard Mulonga at Lusaka International Airport last month.

The PF cadres had earlier been singing outside the magistrate complex as both cases were taking place around 09:30 hours.

Just after Silwamba's case was adjourned, MMD cadres organised themselves near University of Zambia (UNZA) Ridgeway Campus and heaped stones by the roadside.

Later, other MMD cadres who were inside the court premises escorted Chalwe outside to address the cadres that were wielding bottles, planks and other weapons on the eastern side.

Chalwe thanked the MMD cadres for giving him support and that his case had been adjourned to Monday.

He told the MMD cadres that their support gave him encouragement.

Chalwe urged the cadres to go to the court on Monday to give him support.

While Chalwe was talking to MMD cadres, some of them started throwing stones at PF cadres that were singing songs denouncing President Rupiah Banda and his government.

Some PF women had a tough time negotiating with the police to allow them entry into the court premises to seek refuge. Later the PF women were allowed to enter the premises while both groups pelted each other with stones outside the fence.

Seeing that the situation was getting volatile, Chalwe and some MMD cadres managed to vanish into the court premises while other MMD cadres organised an ambush on PF cadres.

Police officers watched as the cadres from both parties sized up each other and spilled one another's blood.

Realising that the fracas was degenerating into a full-scale fight, police reluctantly intervened and managed to calm down both parties.

But MMD cadres organised themselves near the prison and managed to ambush one PF cadre whom they stabbed on the cheek.

The PF cadre, Joseph Chama, bled profusely while police just watched him.

Other PF members pleaded with police to rush Chama to court but the officers refused.

Chama was later rushed to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) after other members donated some money for a taxi.

A PF cadre, Ackim Shiyanga, sustained severe injuries to his head after the MMD cadres hit him with stones.

Forty-five-year old Shiyanga said MMD cadres hit him with stones several times and he profusely bled.

"They beat me badly. You can even see the blood here," said Shayinga while showing the injuries on his head and stains blood all over his shirt and trousers.

Shayinga, who was carrying a police report, said he had reported the matter to the police and hoped the culprits would be brought to book.

"Even if they have beaten me I am still supporting PF and Sata; we want Sata in State House. We have suffered. Enough is enough," said Shiyanga.

PF youths Mulenga Chewe and Charles Malama said the MMD cadres overpowered them.

"MMD cadres were vicious. They came and grabbed our banners and our drums. They slided this old man [Shiyanga] and he fell down and they started hitting him with stones. You see this man is old and he couldn't fight back," Chewe said. "Some of us were fighting back but we were defeated and some of our colleagues run away."

Malama wondered why the police opted to watch while the MMD cadres were attacking PF members.

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