
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shikapwasha exhibited ignorance, says Fr Miha

Shikapwasha exhibited ignorance, says Fr Miha
Written by Margaret Habbuno
Sunday, August 16, 2009 3:54:32 PM

MISSION press director Fr Drevensek Miha has urged information minister Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha not to blame The Post for his lack of respect for Catholics. And former Radio Icengelo station manager Fr Frank Bwalya has called on Catholic leaders in Zambia to protest against Shikapwasha’s continued remarks against the Catholics and his linking them to genocide.

Commenting on Lt Gen Shikapwasha’s statement that The Post twisted his ministerial statement to Parliament on the MMD cadres’ violence against journalists because he did not insult the Catholic Church, Fr Miha said it appeared that Lt Gen Shikapwasha always has someone to blame for his ignorance and inability to project the truth as a government spokesperson.

“Why is he trying now to defend something that is non-defendable by accusing The Post newspaper?” Fr Miha asked.

Fr Miha said Lt Gen Shikapwasha exhibited total ignorance in the speech that he presented to in Parliament.

“He has shown total ignorance, ungratefulness and disrespect as the information minister of this country,” Fr Miha said. “The Catholics and many other people heard for themselves on the [Parliament] Radio what he said about the Catholics. It is important to have principles of truth and love as a minister.”

Fr Miha said even Vice-President George Kunda was one of the people who applauded to Lt Gen Shikapwasha’s statement in Parliament that was full of insults directed at the Catholics in Zambia.

“Vice-President George Kunda and MMD members of parliament had approved of the nonsense and insults in his [Shikapwasha’s] speech. But the most unfortunate is that even the Vice-President who is a practicing Catholic thanked Lt Gen Shikapwasha for his insults on his Church,” Fr Miha said. “Could this be a sign of senility, forgetfulness or just mere lack of intelligence to understand what is going on?”

Fr Miha said it was sad that a number of people in Parliament had clapped after Lt Gen Shikapwasha finished presenting his ministerial statement.

“How can any sensible person clap and approve the load of insults and lies as Shikapwasha’s speech reflected in Parliament? “ Fr Miha asked. “It does not make sense for the information minister to start refusing what he said in Parliament.”

Fr Miha likened Lt Gen Shikapwasha to a person who had sold Jesus Christ for 30 silver pieces for personal gains.

“Characters like Shikapwasha are able to sell Christ for dirty 30 silver pieces as long as there is an opportunity of something to gain for themselves. Your church, and even your party allegiance is just another of your opportunism to suckle what is not yours.” Fr Miha said.

He urged Lt Gen Shikapwasha to resign with immediate effect because he had failed to uphold the rule of law in the country.

“Shikapwasha’s insults and lies have proven beyond doubt that respect of the rule of law and love for what is right is not part of your life. Your leading force is opportunism. Therefore, it is important that you resign as Minister of Information,” Fr Miha said.

He advised President Rupiah Banda and the rest of the MMD members of parliament to stop taking Zambians for granted.

“Mr. President and the rest of your political companions, for God’s sake, do not take people of Zambia any more for granted with the pretext that they are peaceful and you can say or do anything you want because they’ll do nothing,” he said. “Remember that when a most peaceful person gets angry, their anger is much stronger than any other anger.” warned Fr Miha.

And Fr Bwalya said on Friday that accusations by Lt Gen Shikapwasha against the Catholics were meant to bring hatred against the Catholic Church in Zambia.

“Shikapwasha is inciting the people of Zambia to have hatred against the Catholic Church. Catholic Church leaders should take a bold step and formally protest against Shikapwasha and demand for his removal from his ministerial position,” Fr Bwalya said.

He said Lt Gen Shikapwasha’s remarks against the Catholics had serious implications adding that some people who were younger at the time genocide took place in Rwanda might believe his remarks that Catholics in Zambia might bring genocide.

Fr Bwalya said Lt Gen Shikapwasha should understand that the Catholics had been involved in charity and social work not only in other parts of the world but Zambia in particular.

He said the Catholic Church had been involved in the construction of schools, hospitals and clinics in the country.

Fr Bwalya said as an individual Catholic, he was considering protesting against the government over Lt Gen Shikapwasha’s remarks.

“For that reason, Catholic leaders should not just say no to Shikapwasha’s remarks, me as an individual Catholic I would protest against Shikapwasha over his remarks against the Catholics,” he said.

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