
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shortage of Castle Lager hits Lusaka

Shortage of Castle Lager hits Lusaka
Written by Kabanda Chulu
Sunday, August 16, 2009 3:53:03 PM

SEVERAL outlets in Lusaka have been affected by a shortage of Castle Lager beer due to inadequate supply by Zambian Breweries, the producers of the commodity.

And Zambian Breweries Group marketing director Patrick Lead yesterday confirmed the shortages and attributed it to a break of production at the Lusaka plant. However, traders and bar operators who stormed Post Newspapers offices in Lusaka yesterday said the Brewery was not being sincere.

“We have been experiencing this problem since last week and we are aware that it is not only here in Lusaka but also in other towns around the country where there are beer shortages as well, so the company should not say it is just a production breakdown but we think there is more behind these shortages because they have been persistent,” said the traders and bar operators.

“For example, we have reports from colleagues around Lusaka that if you do not get to the depots by morning, you will not find anything and this is a situation happening everywhere, hence putting us out of business.”

But Lead said the shortage was as a result of a production break at the Lusaka plant over the weekend.

“We have sufficient stocks in all our depots around the country. The issue about Lusaka where you observed shortages is that we do not hold too many stocks as we can supply at any time. We, however, keep enough stocks in places with logistical challenges and these are off the line of rail depots such as Mansa, Mongu, Kasama and Chipata,” Lead said. “The shortages were therefore limited to areas around Lusaka but production has resumed and the supply situation is now back to normal also the reduction in excise duty which was effected by government earlier this year has made our beer more competitive since we are now the supplier of choice for beer throughout Zambia.”

He said Zambian Breweries Group had planned for significant growth for all its brands.

“A new beer packaging line has been added to Lusaka and enough bottles have been ordered and delivered. A cellars block will be commissioned soon thus providing our Lusaka plant with even more flexibility to supply the market with your favourite beer,î said Lead.

“Castle is our most popular brand. We would like to apologise to our consumers who may have experienced difficulties in securing supplies over the weekend and assure them that supplies are back to normal.”

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