
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Correa blames Cuba’s problems on US sanctions

Correa blames Cuba’s problems on US sanctions
Written by Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:05:38 AM

ECUADORIAN President Rafael Correa has said Cuba has huge problems because of continued US harsh economic sanctions

President Correa, who just a week ago paid a private visit to Havana and held separate discussions with revolution leader Fidel Castro and President Raul Castro, urged the US to lift its decades old embargo against Cuba.

"Assessing the Cuban model abstracted from the 40-plus years of the US economic and commercial blockade is as hypocritical and cynical as investigating the death by drowning of somebody found at the bottom of a swimming pool with their feet encased in a bucket of cement and reaching the amazing conclusion that they drowned because they did not know how to swim," President Correa said, according to Granma Daily report.

He said even so, Cuba had withstood 50 years under the US blockade.

"I assure you that no country in Latin America could withstand five months," President Correa said. ìAnd with the ability and human resources that they have, as well as their social cohesion, I can assure you that when this absurd blockade is lifted there will be tremendous prosperity in Cuba. They have huge problems, no one doubts that, in terms of housing, which we saw, but they also have tremendous achievements."

He said Washington should know that it would not be the United States or the Latin American oligarchies that were going to tell the Cuban people how to solve their problems.

"But take the first step, lift this criminal blockade," President Correa urged the US.

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