
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Govt owes C/belt teachers K10bn

Govt owes C/belt teachers K10bn
Written by Zumani Katasefa in Kitwe
Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:07:00 AM

GOVERNMENT owes teachers on the Copperbelt Province K10 billion in unpaid fixed band housing allowance, Secondary Schools Teachers Union of Zambia (SESTUZ) Copperbelt Province spokesperson Davis Chavula has said.

Chavula urged the government to address the problem of housing allowance arrears before teachers resorted to another work stoppage when schools reopen next week.

“Whenever teachers go on strike, the government does pay something just to mitigate the strike action, this trend is not good, strike actions in the teaching system disturb the learning calendar. It is time government addresses the issues of housing allowances before teachers resort to another work stoppage as we open schools next week,” he said.

Chavula said teachers on the Copperbelt Province were tired of asking the government for what rightly belonged to them.

“We are appealing to our capable Republican President Rupiah B. Banda to intervene in the issues of housing allowances and rural hardship in the Copperbelt for teachers,” he said.

Chavula said the issues of housing allowances had been a big problem for teachers especially on the Copperbelt Province.

“...the 2009 negotiations didn't address anything on housing allowances and rural hardship, and this has made most of our teachers to be frustrated,” he said.

Chavula also said it was the dream of SESTUZ to come up with one strong union to represent the teachers’ interests.

“It is our dream in future for the three unions namely SESTUZ, ZNUT and BETUZ to come up with one major union instead of our frustrated teachers to form another confused splinter briefcase union,” said Chavula.

And some teachers who spoke on condition of anonymity urged President Banda's government to show seriousness in handling national matters.

The teachers said they expected President Banda to attach great importance to issues such as education by way of paying teachers all that was due to them, such as allowances.

“Once teachers are not motivated, it will be impossible for them to perform to the expected standards, therefore Millennium Development Goals will be impossible to attain,” said the teachers.

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