Monday, September 14, 2009

E/Province UNIP boss slams Tilyenji critics

E/Province UNIP boss slams Tilyenji critics
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Monday, September 14, 2009 5:39:54 AM

EASTERN Province UNIP chairperson Donald Sakala has urged those that have left the party to remain quite for them to be respected.

Reacting to comments by some former members of the party who were accusing UNIP president Tilyenji Kaunda of having failed to organise the party, Sakala advised them to reflect on their activities when they were in UNIP.

"The president has the powers to appoint and disappoint, so those that were disappointed should not blame the president but reflect on their activities when they were in the party. It was wrong to go on platform or press and criticise the leadership when these same people did not do so when they were in office," Sakala said.

He said the party in the province would never be shaken with the latest events and would always rally behind Tilyenji.

"Comrade Tilyenji Chanda Kaunda has been president for seven years now and he is known by many people in the country, and so UNIP cannot start selling another president as it is already not possible," Sakala said.

He said those who were saying there is another UNIP other than the one headed by Tilyenji were just wasting their time.

Sakala said UNIP would go to the congress and that those who were not members or had resigned would not be delegates to the event.

A number of notable people have resigned from UNIP citing poor leadership by Tilyenji, among other issues.

Among those that have criticised Tilyenji's style of †leadership are former acting party secretary general Revered Alfred Banda, former Eastern Province chairperson Ahmed Randera, former Chadiza member of parliament Phillip Zulu and former Chipangali member of parliament Lucas Phiri.

UNIP Revival Forum vice-chairperson Timothy Nyirenda has said UNIP could only be liberated once Tilyenji left the former ruling party.

Nyirenda said UNIP could only be revived by the Forum.

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