Tuesday, October 27, 2009

(HERALD) Is Bennett more equal than others?

Is Bennett more equal than others?
Bhekizulu Sibanda.

EDITOR — I realised the wisdom of the adage ‘‘ane mari ndiye mukuru (he who pays the piper calls the tune) when MDC-T treasurer-general Roy Bennett was indicted for trial in the High Court and remanded in custody.

The MDC-T national executive hurriedly convened and rubber-stamped party leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s brief to ‘‘disengage’’ from the inclusive Government over Bennett.

Illogical though the decision was, it would appear MDC-T was under pressure and was not thinking properly. MDC-T desperately wanted to be seen to be doing something for their benefactor, Bennett.

Boycotts have become the stock-in-trade of MDC-T though nothing has ever come out of them. The party boycotted Senate elections in November 2005 though today it not only has elected senators but non-constituency ones as well.

MDC-T legislators boycotted several parliamentary sittings, only to slink back to Parliament without anything to show for the boycotts. Since 2000 the party has embarked on stayaways, mass actions and final pushes, all of which turned out to be damp squibs.

One would have thought that all these abortive charades would have made the party leadership realise the folly of such actions.

Zimbabweans want the inclusive Government to work, which is why all the principals are duty-bound to prioritise the national interest and not partisan or personal ambitions.

It appears to the MDC-T, one white accused is more important than all the party’s black supporters put together.

This constituency of supporters was ignored simply because the goose that lays the golden egg was in custody.

Bennett is an accused just like everybody else, if he is innocent the courts will clear him but if he is guilty he will join other convicted persons in our prison system.

That is the rule of law.
Bhekizulu Sibanda.
Mt Pleasant, Harare.

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