Wednesday, October 14, 2009

(HERALD) MDC-T pandering to West’s whims

MDC-T pandering to West’s whims

EDITOR — Eight months into the life of the inclusive Government I hope Zimba-bweans are keeping their eyes open at what is happening on our political landscape. Professor Jonathan Moyo has formally rejoined the ranks of the only party that has the interests of the majority in Zimbabwe at heart. Once again Zanu-PF has an erudite and implacable voice to speak articulately for it. That burden is often left on the shoulders of President Mugabe alone.

Meanwhile, everyone can see for themselves what political and intellectual Lilliputians MDC politicians are. All they are interested in are cars, money and positions. They still operate like an opposition party, always trying to change their party’s constitution at small caucus meetings of its "kitchen cabinet".

NCA chairman Dr Lovemore Madhuku thinks that behaving like a thug in Parliament is "an integral part of Parliament"! Talk about being mis-educated! Has he ever heard of the "dignity of parliament".

Then we have the comical Jameson Timba lambasting the board choices of his senior Webster Shamu in the Independent and then he has the audacity to talk about "statecraft". It is becoming clear that these MDC-T guys grandstand for Western audiences.

Now because of them, their handlers in Washington are defaming Attorney-General Johannes Tomana and Dr Gideon Gono in Press briefings, calling them "corrupt", making accusations for which they can be sued for libel in their own courts!

All to grandstand for their puppets in the MDC. Then we have a Minister of Finance who has no clue what he is doing being called "the Best Finance Minister in Africa" by the Western rabble-rousers.

Yet he is the same man who opposes lines of credit at every opportunity. He spends most of his time globe-trotting and bad-mouthing our rich and great country "as a small poor and failed state". If that is so, why did the Rhodies fight for 15 years to hang on to it? Why do they still want our land?

When you are a Western puppet, you can do no wrong. You can walk the streets of Harare stark naked and behave like a madman and all the Western media and their megaphones here will see is how "charismatic" you are.

Zimbabweans, keep your eyes open. Remember 1980? We are back there again. The "Dzakutsaku" (reactionary) spirit of selling out to the West and the whites is back again.

Phineas Mpofu.

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