Sunday, October 04, 2009

HH calls for unity

HH calls for unity
Written by Nyambe Muyumbana in Mongu
Sunday, October 04, 2009 5:03:40 PM

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has said unity is required among Zambians to remove what he termed as the “nichekeleko” MMD government out of power.

Addressing a meeting at Mumwa craft centre last Thursday in Mongu, Hichilema called on Zambians to bury their tribal groupings and fight the MMD government in an effort to develop the country. Hichilema said the ruling party had failed under the leadership of President Rupiah Banda.

“I’m sick and tired of seeing many people who are poor in a rich country like ours. I’m saying rich because I know as a businessman that Zambia is very rich in resources. The problem is we have leaders who are paying themselves huge salaries at the expense of teachers, nurses, police officers and common people. Money is being pocketed by some individuals in government on a daily basis,” Hichilema said.

“When hunger strikes, it doesn’t choose whether you are Lozi, Tonga, Luvale, Mbunda or Bemba. We need unity to remove the corrupt MMD government, the nichekeleko government, so that we can build schools, roads, hospitals and provide employment for the youths.”

He charged that people who said Zambia was not rich should shut up instead of cheating others.

Hichilema said life in Zambia had reached a point where parents could not look to their children for support when they are aged because the children did not have employment and had continued to be on the receiving end.

Hichilema disclosed that he owed Zambians because he was educated using their monies during Dr Kenneth Kaunda’s reign and would pay back by making education up to tertiary level free.

He said the MMD government was not interested and committed to decentralisation as evidenced by their being uncomfortable with the Barotse agreement, which envisaged powers being taken to the grassroots.

He reiterated that he had not sold UPND to the PF but that the pact was aimed at getting the MMD out of power and bringing redemption to the Zambians.

Hichilema also announced that former United Liberal Party (ULP) treasurer general was now UPND’s second vice-president.

The meeting was attended by UPND and PF members, several government workers and business people.

Meanwhile, the entire ULP provincial executive committee together with its members resigned from their party and defected to UPND citing double standards by their president Sakwiba Sikota.

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