Sunday, October 11, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Biti honour, psychological games of the West

Biti honour, psychological games of the West
Frank Tutani (pseudonym) - Opinion
Sat, 10 Oct 2009 21:48:00 +0000

WHAT criteria were used to judge Finance Minister Tendai Biti and award him the dubious honour of 'The Best Finance Minister in Africa'? What has Biti done to deserve such an honour? Biti has failed miserably in this post as can be attested by the majority of Zimbabweans.

The dollarisation of the economy of Zimbabwe that has resulted in the reduction of inflation rates was put in place by then Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa (of Zanu-PF) and Reserve Bank Governor Dr. Gideon Gono. The policy to pay civil servants in foreign currency was put in place by Minister Chinamasa as well.

What Minister Biti has done to date is to declare the death of the Zimbabwean dollar and this has caused untold suffering to millions of Zimbabwean savers and pensioners.

Biti is also refusing to utilise the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) allocation from the International Monetary Fund that would have solved some of the pressing liquidity problems within the economy and alleviate the suffering of Zimbabweans to some extent.

Does Biti know that the state of California in the U.S. has a deficit of $24 billion and might become the first failed state in the U.S.?

It is interesting to note that the U.S. is prepared to pour millions dollars into Zimbabwe to destabilise the country instead of looking after its struggling citizens in places like California, Detroit etc.

If there was any leadership at all in MDC-T, this would be the time to call for a ministerial reshuffle and replace Biti with an MDC-T minister who is pro Zimbabwe first and foremost. Biti has simply failed.

The West is playing some psychological games with Zimbabweans with all these dubious awards being given or proposed for MDC-T politicians.

PM Tsvangirai was in the frame for the Nobel Peace Prize. How can anyone nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize?

PM Tsvangirai has been at the forefront of calling for the imposition of sanctions that have impoverished and killed millions of Zimbabweans.

The people who have brought peace to Zimbabwe are the Sadc/AU leaders and specifically Thabo Mbeki. PM Tsvangirai getting a Noble Peace Prize would be the biggest joke to Zimbabweans. Good thing he did not get it.



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