Tuesday, October 06, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Nkomo endorsed as VP

Nkomo endorsed as VP
The Chronicle/TZG
Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:10:00 +0000

THE Bulawayo province of Zanu PF has endorsed national chairman John Nkomo to fill the vacant vice-presidency post following the death of veteran Joseph Msika in August this year.

Both Central Committee and Politburo members in the province took the decision at yesterday’s provincial co-ordinating committee meeting at Davies Hall.

Sikhanyiso Ndlovu, Absolom Sikhosana, Angeline Masuku and Joshua Malinga attended the meeting.

Presenting the resolutions of the meeting, the secretary for education in the Politburo, Ndlovu, said it was clear that the vacant position was supposed to be filled by a Zapu cadre.

He said the party procedures were clear and there was no need for jostling for the vice-presidency.

“We have resolved that John Nkomo takes over the vice-presidency. It was decided that we get a person who had a national outlook as Zapu was not a party for the people of Matabeleland only,” he said.

He revealed that the province had only two weeks in which to make submissions to the Politburo for consideration.

Ndlovu said as a result of the proposed elevation of the national chairman, this would result in the post becoming vacant and it was the considered view of the committee that the post be filled by a Zapu cadre.

“The leadership in Matabeleland will consult other provinces on a suitable candidate to fill the post that would have been created by the departure to assume a higher office by Cde Nkomo,” he said.

He said Nkomo was the closest person in terms of ranking after the late Msika and as such it was natural that he takes over.

The committee also deliberated on the re-admission into the party of Tsholotsho North Member of the House of Assembly, Professor Jonathan Moyo.

Ndlovu said the province of Matabeleland North was supportive of the decision taken by the Politburo to re-admit Prof Moyo.

Other members who were in attendance at the meeting mandated the committee to look into possible names that could be proposed to take up the chairman’s post and report to the people for consideration.

Members said it might not be proper for them to come with names as some of them did not have sufficient information on all possible candidates and this could result in some potential candidates being excluded from the selection process.

Bulawayo Province chairman Isaac Dakamela called on members to remain disciplined.

He said without discipline there would be no party to talk about and as such it was critical that all members observed protocol and procedures of the party.
“We will not tolerate indiscipline in the party. Let those that have broken the rules be warned that disciplinary action will be definitely taken against those found on the wrong side of the party constitution,” he said.

The meeting also congratulated members of the women’s and the youth leagues that were elected into national positions at the just ended congresses in Harare.

-The Chronicle/TZG

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