
Thursday, November 05, 2009

Chiluba has proved to be extremely selfish – Kalala

Chiluba has proved to be extremely selfish – Kalala
By George Chellah
Thu 05 Nov. 2009, 04:01 CAT

CHILUBA has proved to be an extremely selfish and self-centred individual, former State House special assistant to the president Jack Kalala has observed.

Commenting on Miko Chiluba’s attacks on Patrick Mwanawasa’s observations on former president Frederick Chiluba, Kalala dismissed Miko’s statement.

“In his statement written for him, Miko Chiluba made unsubstantiated and unfair claims which bordered on insulting members of the Mwanawasa family instead of addressing the political concerns that Patrick had raised in his statement. Similar claims have been made on a number of occasions by Miko’s father, president Chiluba, about late president Mwanawasa and members of his family,” Kalala stated.

“Miko’s claim that members of president Mwanawasa greatly benefitted from Mr Mwanawasa’s position as president were not only insulting but an attack on their reputation and integrity. Miko owes them an apology if he has any sense of decency in him.”

Kalala stated that the Mwanawasa family equally assisted Chiluba.

“Miko claimed in his statement that Mwanawasa could not have become president of Zambia if Chiluba had not played the pivotal role he did in the late President’s life. Yes Chiluba had made decisions to evacuate Mr Mwanawasa to South Africa for treatment. Similarly, president Mwanawasa did the same for Chiluba.

But Mwanawasa was grateful and acknowledged it publicly whereas Chiluba has not done so,” Kalala stated. “Instead, he has openly confessed that he hated Mwanawasa. Because of his intense hatred for Mwanawasa, he even parted company with Sata for reconciling with Mwanawasa. It should also be recalled that, in addition to saving Chiluba’s life, Mr Mwanawasa had provided free legal services to Chiluba when he was arrested for treason by Kaunda.

“This was long before Chiluba became president. In 1990 and 1991 Mr Mwanawasa played an important role in the political activities, which eventually led to Chiluba becoming Republican President in 1991. He fought so many legal battles, which earned him names such as Ichibumba…”

Kalala wondered whether Mwanawasa and others that contributed to the 1991 campaign that enabled Chiluba to become president demanded to be thanked by him.

“No, because they considered their contribution to be a national duty. This was not the case with Mr Chiluba who considered it a personal victory and an opportunity to enjoy himself. Mr Chiluba has proved to be an extremely selfish self-centred individual. He claims credit even for other people’s achievements,” Kalala stated.

“He thinks Zambians owe their existence to him and that they should forever be grateful to him for that. He even thinks that God owes him gratitude for having declared Zambia a Christian nation. Each time he opens his mouth, he is always praising himself: I…I…I… Whereas his fellow former president, Dr K.D. Kaunda, when he opens his mouth he wants to say something about the achievement of UNIP, it is: We…We…We…”

Kalala stated that Chiluba’s corruption case was in court when Mwanawasa took up office.

“President Chiluba had himself taken to court. The people he had been working with had accused him of having plundered national resources. They had called him a thief,” Kalala stated. “When president Mwanawasa looked at the evidence available and the extent of the plunder, being a lawyer and president, he decided to have the people involved to account for their deeds.”

Kalala stated that Miko should know that, unlike his father, Mwanawasa used his position to serve the country.

“He did not consider his position as a means to enrich himself and members of his family. He had actually made it clear to them that they should in no way use their relationship to him to benefit themselves,” Kalala stated. “It will be proved beyond doubt that he honestly gained the assets from his sweat and toil before becoming President, which has not been the case with president Chiluba.”

Kalala stated that Miko’s claim that Patrick owed what he is to Chiluba demonstrates dishonesty and malice on his part.

“President Mwanawasa had a vision and a plan for his children. He also had adequate means to support his family and to educate his children. Patrick and Chipo were already studying in South Africa before he became president.

The others were in private schools in Zambia. Before he became president, Mr Chiluba could not afford this for his children. After he became president, Mr Mwanawasa continued to pay for the education of his children using his private resources.

Another ridiculous claim Miko made and his father has been making is that Mwanawasa should be grateful to president Chiluba who made it possible for him to become President,” Kalala stated.

“Let us look at this scenario. If your house is on fire and you call firemen to help you to extinguish it, would it be logical for you to ask them to say thank you to you for having given them the opportunity to extinguish the fire and save your house from total destruction?

It would certainly be considered absurd and silly to do so. Let us face it. MMD was under siege and under intense pressure and serious threat of total defeat at the general elections following the aborted third term attempt by president Chiluba.

“The party needed an eminent person of good standing, which Mwanawasa was, to salvage it. No one in NEC and Cabinet could redeem the party after the third term debacle and the subsequent exodus of credible people from the party. The only hope was Mr Mwanawasa who had done so much for the party before and after its formation and the only one with the necessary credentials to defeat the formidable opposition posed by UPND and FDD candidates.”

Kalala stated that Chiluba should have known better that there was no way Mwanawasa could have accepted to defend corrupt deeds.

“The man profoundly loathed corruption… president Chiluba, Miko and their sympathisers should be reminded, lest they have forgotten, that president Mwanawasa had made it very clear during the 2001 campaign that between personal interests, including friendship and national interests, national interests would take precedence,” Kalala stated.

“This is what exactly happened. To understand better his stance and feelings on the actions he had taken on the cases of corruption, I advise these people to read his last testament, which was read after his burial and written in 2005, long before his death, and indeed his mission statement.”

Kalala warned the so-called pastors who are on Chiluba’s side that Mwanawasa’s loyal supporters stand ready and on firm ground to defend his legacy.

“We will not fear them as even the Bible has no kind word about them. This is what it says about them: ‘You become the friend of every thief you see and you associate with adulterers. You are always ready to speak evil; you never hesitate to tell lies. Psalms 50:18-19.

‘You are doomed! You call evil good and call good evil. You turn darkness into light and light into darkness. You make what is bitter sweet, and what is sweet you make bitter.” Isaiah 5:20. “You people hate anyone who challenges injustice and speaks the whole truth in court.” Amos 5:10,” stated Kalala.

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