
Thursday, November 05, 2009

Govt regards me as a criminal – Grey Zulu

Govt regards me as a criminal – Grey Zulu
By Chibaula Silwamba and Sydney Mungala
Thu 05 Nov. 2009, 04:01 CAT

THE government regards me as a criminal, veteran politician Grey Zulu complained yesterday.

And Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata said he was very disappointed with the way President Rupiah Banda has neglected Zulu without whom he would not have been Republican President.

Speaking to Sata when he visited his farmhouse in Lusaka’s Makeni area to offer condolences over the death of his son Agripa, Zulu said the Office of the Vice-President only provided five bags of mealie-meal and packets of kapenta small fish for people to feed on during the mourning period.

“This tent they just left it. We had to mount it,” said Zulu while pointing at a small blue tent.

At that point, Sata said he was surprised at the manner the government was ignoring Zulu.

“He is former Minister of Home Affairs, former Minister of Defence,” said Sata, while Zulu responded: “I don’t think government is involved.”

Sata said whether the government was involved or not, it should know what Zulu did for Zambia.
“What did Grey Zulu do for this part of the world? Grey Zulu is far much more important than Oliver Tambo who was honoured by President Rupiah during Independence Day celebrations.

Anyway, nipamalilo pano it’s a mourning house here. You have to be recognised for what you did for this country. Whatever we have as a country is as a result of what you did under those difficult conditions. Would George Kunda be a Vice-President if it was not for you?” Sata asked.

Zulu responded: “I am regarded as a criminal.”

Sata said the government had forgotten Zulu and his contribution to Zambia.

Zulu told Sata that there was not even enough firewood, while pointing at four pieces of firewood.
Later in an interview, Zulu said his third born child, Agripa, died in Britain on Monday and his remains were expected to arrive in Zambia around midday on Saturday.

Zulu was only with his family members while the few seats were empty.

In a separate interview, Sata complained about the manner in which President Banda and his government was treating Zulu.

“I am very disappointed with the way Rupiah Banda has neglected Grey Zulu because without Grey Zulu, Rupiah Banda would not be where he is today. Former president Kenneth Kaunda tolerated Rupiah Banda because of Grey Zulu’s intermediary,” Sata said.

“The way he is treated like as if it’s a funeral of a person who is not known in Zambia. We are enjoying what we are enjoying in Zambia because of people like Grey Zulu and if we can’t respect him.”

Asked about what Zulu meant when he told him that he was regarded as a criminal, Sata responded: “Yes he complained that the government is treating him as a criminal. That is his complaint.

He complained that the way government is looking at him is like as if he is a criminal. If they did not regard him as a criminal they would have recognised his contribution to this country. That is what he meant. You heard him yourself where he says the government regards him as a criminal.”

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