
Friday, November 27, 2009

JCTR urges govt to prioritise infrastructure development

JCTR urges govt to prioritise infrastructure development
By Maluba Jere and Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Fri 27 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

GOVERNMENT needs to become more committed to infrasructure development and re-align its priorities and policies towards national needs if it has to deliver on its promise of poverty reduction, Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflections (JCTR) has urged.

JCTR's debt, aid and trade programme assistant Andrew Banda stated in a press release yesterday that socio-economic injustice would continue to be perpetrated among the poor if basic infrastructire is not developed.

Banda stated that it was imperative for the governmnet to streamline the implemenatation of developmental programmes especially when dealing with debt resources.

He emphasised that delaying infrastructure development must not be an option because of the country's many pressing needs.

Banda urged the government to place more commitment on the timely implementation process and fulfill its pledge and promise of poverty reduction through equitable economic growth.

“We saw this when we monitored the BADEA (Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa) loan contracted by government for feeder roads in Copperbelt Province,” stated Banda. “This is also a trend evident in the JCTR monthly Basic Needs Basket which reveals that the cost of living is always closely related to the availability and state of infrastructure facilities.”

And JCTR debt policy programme officer Privilege Haang’andu noted that with the current trend of continued non-implementation and postponement of development programmes, the Vision 2030 and National Development plans would barely be met.

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