
Friday, November 27, 2009

(JOHN PERKINS BLOG) Africa: The urgency of stability, sustainability and peace

Zimbabwe - Africa: The urgency of stability, sustainability and peace

Dear friends,

Recently, I received an inquiry from Gwatakwata Mlambo from Zimbabwe. He wrote:

I bought and read Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and I have begun to put things happening in my country Zimbabwe into perspective. To me, it now appears our problems in Zimbabwe have to do with EHMs. Do you share the same sentiments or there are other issues at play?

I've never worked in Zimbabwe and have no personal experience related to EHM working there. However, from what I read it is easy to conclude that EHM -- and jackals -- have played a role in that country, and continue to do so. Zimbabwe's motto "Unity, Freedom, Work" is one to inspire us all.

I've learned that Africa is really the least understood continent on the planet--- least understood by the United States and the people of the G8 and perhaps by the African people too. Since it is the least understood, it is the one that is most easily ignored and the most vulnerable to plunder. We must look at Africa. We must study and and we must help change it --- helping bring stability, sustainability and peace to Africa --- because if we don't, we will not be able to achieve stability, sustainability and peace for our children and grandchildren either. Africa brings all the issues together. In a way, it is the last frontier of unabashed exploitation. It also presents an opportunity for each of us to get involved.

In my mini-podcast series, Our Geo-Political Crisis and YOU that was inspired by my new book, The Secret History of the American Empire, I talk about the lessons learned from Africa and other regions of the world. I also offer ideas of what you can do to apply these lessons to your efforts to create a better world. I invite you to listen in:

I look forward to hearing what you think.

John Perkins

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