Sunday, November 01, 2009

Plans for local production of intravenous fluids underway

Plans for local production of intravenous fluids underway
By Florence Bupe in Mbala
Sun 01 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

MBALA district commissioner Lightwel Chongo has disclosed that plans are underway for the local production of intravenous (IV) fluid to address the supply constraints of the commodity in the health sector.

Briefing journalists at his office on Tuesday, Chongo said the availability of IV fluid in the district hospitals was vital to the provision of improved health services.

“The district will soon embark on the production of IV fluid to cater for hospitals in the district. Right now we are getting everything from Lusaka and this has proved to be costly for our health institutions,” he said.

Chongo said the production of the fluid would benefit the entire northern region and reduce the costs of acquiring this necessary component from Lusaka, as is the case.

“Right now our overhead costs are high because we don’t produce anything locally. Once we start IV fluid production, we will cut down on overhead costs and ultimately, put more money in the pockets of our local people,” he said.

Chongo expressed optimism that once the production levels were satisfactory, there would be a possibility of exporting the fluid to neighbouring countries.

And Chongo has said there is need to speed up the rehabilitation of infrastructure in the northern region in order to boost the performance of the tourism industry.

He said Northern Province had vast potential tourist attractions that had remained highly unexploited due to poor infrastructure such as the road network.

“There is not much tourist activity in the province due to inadequate and poor infrastructure. We are pleased that the road to Kasaba Bay is currently being rehabilitated. Once this project is completed, it will improve the performance of the tourism sector, which will in turn contribute positively to the overall performance of the national economy,” said Chongo.

Chongo also said the ongoing works on the Kasama- Mbala- Mpulungu Road, which are scheduled for completion in January 2010, will ease operations in diverse sectors of the province.

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