Monday, November 23, 2009

SADC, AU over-cautious on Zim – SACCORD

SADC, AU over-cautious on Zim – SACCORD
By Maluba Jere
Mon 23 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

SACCORD executive director Lee Habasonda has observed that SADC and AU are being over-cautious in dealing with the Zimbabwe crisis, thereby slowing down the process of addressing the problems.

Commenting on the bickering in the Zimbabwe’s unity government that had forced the Morgan Tsvangirai MDC to temporarily withdraw from cabinet business, Habasonda said the problems in Zimbabwe were complex and needed to be addressed with the seriousness they deserved.

He urged the regional bodies to take a revolutionary approach in dealing with the problems in Zimbabwe if desired results were to be achieved.

“As the civil society, we feel SADC Southern African Development Community and the AU African Union need to do more to resolve the problems in Zimbabwe,” Habasonda said. “The problem is complex and does not only touch on the people of Zimbabwe. It has implications on Africa and the region as a whole.”

He said contributing to a stable government of national unity would be difficult if the current political uncertainty were not addressed.

Habasonda called on the regional bodies to send monitoring groups who would ensure both parties observed the Global Political Agreement.

“There is need to ensure that mutual respect continues between the two parties. But we have a situation where one party is observing the agreement while the other is not and because of that, the parties must be monitored; monitors must be sent there,” he said. “We are looking up to President Zuma to ensure the problem is resolved.”

Habasonda further expressed concern that issues of human rights violations as well as the growing militia behaviour among young people were also contributing to the problem.

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