Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sata is a son of Satan – Rupiah

Sata is a son of Satan – Rupiah
By Chibaula Silwamba and Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tue 10 Nov. 2009, 04:00 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda on Sunday said Patriotic Front president Michael Sata is a son of Satan. And President Banda claimed that Sata hid a microphone behind Grey Zulu as he tried to urge the latter to say that the government regarded him as a criminal.

Meanwhile, President Banda will hold thanksgiving rallies in Chama and Lundazi, a year after his election and will have a walkaround in Chipata. Addressing MMD cadres and government officials that welcomed him at Chipata Airport, President Banda said Sata was the number one liar in Zambia.

“You know Mr Sata likes calling other people liars. I think the other day you saw in the paper, I am sure most of you were very upset that a man like Mr Sata can call me a liar, when he is the number one liar in this country,” President Banda said. “The last shameless lie that he told, which I think the people here would like to know the truth, we all know our old man Mr Grey Zulu; he is our grandfather, he is our uncle, he is our father.

Like for me, I have grown in politics from the age of 17. One of my guiding principal has been Mr Grey Zulu. And for him, at that time he was talking I was in Burundi chairing a meeting of the Great Lakes and he was saying that Mr Zulu was complaining to him that the government has done nothing ati bodza kuipa kumenso ngati ambuya bake A liar with an ugly face like his grandparent.”

President Banda said Grey Zulu was his uncle.
“That gentleman he was talking about whom I have described here is our grandfather, our uncle, our father, our brother, our everything. He is very dear to me. I don't need Mr Sata to tell me to look after him and I don't need even just a funeral to look after him. That is my uncle. My late mother was maZulu as we all know, you all called her amaZulu! amaZulu! a Sara, so is Mr Grey Zulu. All my life I never called him by any other name except Sibweni, muChichewa malume uncle, in Chewa language,” President Banda said.

“So, I was saying what he didn't know is that as soon as the news of the death of his Zulu's son reached me, I immediately went to the house. Unlike him, I didn't carry cameras and microphones, which I have plenty of them, I am President of the country, I could have carried 10 microphones. I don't do that. I go to many funerals including his own funeral, I didn't carry a microphone. But with him he came with a microphone and the microphone was hidden behind the poor old man when he was trying to urge him to say things which were close to what he wanted to publicise and so on.”

President Banda said he was telling that story in Chipata because he wanted people to know that what Sata said was false.

”It is a blue lie as the English call it. I have been to the funeral several times, I have worked tirelessly with all other children of Mr Grey Zulu in order to assist him; it is our duty, we do that and we do that to everybody,” President Banda said. “No one can believe that I have a bad heart; I don't know how to translate into English, ndine oipa mutima ngati iye Sata, that I can do that to an old man who has done so much for this country and I take this opportunity to assure you that osabvutika nazo zija ni zaboza chaje; a Sata bana ba Satana.

Don't worry about that. That is just a lie. Sata, son of Satan],” President Banda said. “Thank you very much, let me not keep you for too long, I just wanted to take this opportunity to explain this aspect which is very important to our culture and the reason why I raised this matter so that all the young ones here can know that when your friend is in problems, when you have death, we are supposed to go and mourn each other, not to politicise the funeral.”

And President Banda said he travelled to Eastern Province to thank the people of Chama and Lundazi for the votes they gave him in the October 2008 presidential by-election.

“I am so grateful; you can see it for the wonderful reception that you have given me this afternoon. Let me first of all explain my programme so that everybody knows it. I have arrived today I will just go to the farm to see whether they have started ploughing and just plant a few seeds of maize,” President Banda explained. “Tomorrow yesterday morning we leave and go to Chama where we hope to have a rally.

I haven't been back in Chama since the elections. The people of Chama, when I visited them, promised that they would give me their votes and they gave me a lot of votes from Chama so I want to go there to say thank you to them and to see them again and then enjoy with them and talk with them. After meetings in Chama, I will come to Lundazi.

That is one district that gave me the highest number of votes in the last presidential by election. I haven't been back there since. I think it's my duty, it's my cultural responsibility to go back to the people and say to them 'thank very much for the wonderful votes that you gave me'. Then I will come back to Chipata on Tuesday or Wednesday. Tuesday I think? Wednesday! Tuesday, yes! I will come back to Chipata on Tuesday and stay for a day or two to do a bit of farming.

As you know I always boast like my predecessor, my brother the late president Levy Mwanawasa that I was not just a President talking about agriculture but I myself do feel very happy when I till the soil and the smell of the soil like today when the rains have just fallen, it is a wonderful feeling on my part. I want to go to my farm and give an example of what a leader should do. We always tell you: 'grow food!' So I want to show you also that I am determined to stay with you for a day and do that.”
President Banda said he was glad to return home again.

“As I have always said, I wish I could come so often but I am tied down. I have so many provinces that now belong to me, many villages, many chiefs that I have to visit. From now onwards, I am going to try and find time to visit all the other provinces so that I can see the progress of our work and learn the problems that the people are facing on the ground and so forth,” President Banda said.

“We will try and have a walk around in Chipata before I leave; just walking, not a rally. Just walk around and when we will be walking around I hope everybody will be there. We just walk to show the people that we are well and happy to be here, tikafike naku market, market yangu. Well, once again may I say thank you to the people of Chipata; I know I always get embarrassed when I come here, I know everyone by name, by face. So wonderful to see that you have all come here despite the hot weather and the rains in order to wait for my delegation.”

President Banda said after his tour of Eastern Province, he would proceed to Solwezi Central Constituency to drum up support for the MMD candidate ahead of the November 19 parliamentary by-election.

“Then come Thursday, after I have walked around in Chipata and seen all the people of Chipata, greeted them, I will then leave on Thursday. I will not go to Lusaka I am going straight to Solwezi. I want to go and join my colleagues who are defending the seat, the by election seat. I think you know that my colleagues in the opposition are there busy telling people, 'they government have done nothing!'” President Banda said. “I want to tell you Mr chairman of the party here, Mr minister here that what you are seeing here in the Eastern Province, the projects that you are seeing, the road repairs, the reconstruction of the bridges, new schools, the repair of the old schools, the health centres, what you are seeing here as development from this government is the same in every province.

“So I am going to go there and help defend our seat; I always say to the people of Solwezi, 'you can look out and tell us if really it is true as Mr Sata is saying that we are not doing anything.”

Later President Banda introduced former PF secretary general Edward Mumbi.
“I have with me my young Bemba colleague; I am so glad that he is able to travel with me, he also left the PF because of these same lies we are talking about, Mr Mumbi, and I would like to bring him here in case you don't have chance to see him. Welakuno Mumbi akuoneko. You can greet them; ungalabile olo muchibemba akumvwe. Mumbi come here so that people see you. You can even speak in Bemba, people will understand,” said President Banda.

And Mumbi, who is in President Banda's entourage, described Sata as a thief and liar, and vowed to expose him during a radio programme here.

And Eastern Province minister Isaac Banda said the government was committed to delivering on the aspirations of the people.

Meanwhile, MMD Eastern Province chairperson Kennedy Zulu said President Banda had done a lot during his one year in office.

“… farmers have benefitted because of your leadership in agriculture and we urge you to continue. The stretch from Nyimba to Mwami border has been repaired, Chipata-Lundazi road phase one is completed. Chiefs are happy with what you have done,” Zulu said. “As President, you always tell us Zambians to be peaceful and you always say you want unity and peace in Zambia to continue blossoming. You have done well Mr President. Clinics are everywhere but we want you to send more nurses to these clinics. In Eastern Province, no one should lie to you; the opposition political parties are already down, it is just MMD and RB here.”

He said the party was even regaining support in areas where it lost during the 2006 tripartite elections.

“The 'snake' here has no teeth, don't worry about it,” Zulu said.
Zulu said God had blessed President Banda's trip to Eastern Province.
“When we heard a rumour that you were coming here, we saw the clouds in the skies and we realised that indeed you were coming. When it was confirmed that you were coming even the rains poured meaning that God had blessed your coming to Eastern Province,” said Zulu.

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