
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Banda is supposed to protect Levy’s legacy - chief Machiya

Banda is supposed to protect Levy’s legacy - chief Machiya
By George Chellah
Thu 03 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

CHIEF Machiya of Mpongwe district on the Copperbelt Province yesterday backed science, technology and vocational training minister Gabriel Namulambe's observations on the late president Levy Mwanawasa's legacy.

And chief Machiya said President Rupiah Banda is supposed to protect the late Mwanawasa's legacy. In an interview, chief Machiya dismissed the tribal accusations being levelled against Namulambe.

“I want to say congratulations to Gabriel Namulambe over what he said on Tuesday last week,” chief Machiya said, adding that there were no tribal sentiments in his statement.

“So there is no case of tribalism there. Ba President Banda balifwile ukucita protect legacy yaba Mwanawasa (President Banda is supposed to protect Mwanawasa's legacy). That's why as chief Machiya, I have complained to the government.”

Chief Machiya said he concured with the statement by commerce, trade and industry deputy minister Dr Lwipa Puma, who is also Lufwanyama MMD member of parliament.

“Ba Mwanawasa worked very well but suddenly the government is complaining that tababombele bwino (Mwanawasa worked very well but suddenly the government is complaining that he didn't work well),” chief Machiya said.

“ Ba Lamba are complaining that balikuchita embarrass umuntu uufwile. Tatulefwaya, lekeni alale muchibote (Lamba people are complaining that they are embarrassing a dead man, we don't want let him rest in peace).”

Chief Machiya urged other traditional leaders commenting on the matter to first consult their counterparts from Copperbelt rural.

“Iyi problem yachita affect fwebo (this problem has affected us) so uulefwaya ukwasuka (whoever wants to answer) as a chief from any province can consult us the chiefs on the Copperbelt first, especially me chief Machiya because I am from Mpongwe,” chief Machiya said.

“Moreover, Namulambe is a hard worker in Mpongwe. He shouldn't even campaign in 2011 because he has already campaigned through his hardwork in Mpongwe. As chief Machiya, I am very comfortable with my MP. Namulambe is MP for the Lambas so he is supposed to talk on behalf of the Lambas.”

Chief Machiya said the debate over the matter should even come to an end. He also said people in his area were complaining about the Fertiliser Support Programme (FSP).

“Instead of increasing, they have decreased…so people are upset,” said chief Machiya.

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