
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Govt should dismantle Zesco, MPs recommend

Govt should dismantle Zesco, MPs recommend
By Ernest Chanda
Thu 03 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

THE Parliamentary committee on Government Assurances has recommended that government should quickly dismantle Zesco Limited into three units and commercialise the company in order to improve its operations.

Presenting a report to parliament on Tuesday, committee chairperson Chishimba Kambwili expressed displeasure with government’s inability to fulfill its earlier pledge of commercialising Zesco.

Kambwili urged the government to deliver on that assurance because Zambians were tired of the poor services they were getting from Zesco as a result of the company’s operational problems.

“…the committee is of the view that there is need to improve the service delivery of ZESCO because, as the situation stands now, the service delivery and general operations of Zesco are below par, to say the least. There is one major remedy to this problem, which is to commercialise and to dismantle Zesco into three separate units, namely, Generation, Transmission and Distribution,” Kambwili said. “It is in this regard that the committee urges the government to expedite the commercialisation and dismantling of Zesco into three operating units...”

And on the railway network, the committee observed that Railway Systems of Zambia had failed to run the railway network in the country and urged government to look for a serious partner.

“…there is need to revamp the railway network in the country. Huge loads of copper and other heavy equipment are now being transported by road. This, Madam, reduces the lifespan of the roads,” said Kambwili.

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