
Thursday, December 03, 2009

(HERALD) Lease out mines, claim holders urged

Lease out mines, claim holders urged
Business Reporter

THE Zimbabwe Miners Federation has called on mining claim holders with huge chunks of land to lease some parts of their idle claims to small-scale miners on a tribute system for maximum utilisation of the country’s mineral resources.

Zimbabwe Miners Federation president Mr Trynos Nkomo said the country has large chunks of idle mining claims that were being held lawfully by locals, but provision needed to be put in place to maximise on these claims.

"There are a lot of people who are holding on to mining claims they are currently not using. As a federation we are calling on such people to engage small scale miners on these claims on a tribute system.

"This system will not only allow our miners to work on those claims, but also enables them to pay tribute to the owner. It has to be noted that this facility is also stated in the Minerals Act," said Mr Nkomo.

Citing successful examples of the practice, Mr Nkomo said the practice could be done with no problems being encountered between the agreed parties.

"I know of one miner in Gwanda who has roped in small-scale women miners and the working relationship between the two parties has been professional at all levels. The women are now supplying gold to the federation and to Fidelity Printers," added Mr Nkomo.

The Government has been warning claim holders to fully utilise their mining claims or risk losing them. The mining sector has been identified as a critical sector in the nation’s path to economic recovery.

Revolving funds given to organisations such as the Zimbabwe Gold Miners Association and ZMF by financial institutions has witnessed improved harnessing of gold in the market.

In the past, gold has been smuggled out of the country and the country has been failing to benefit from its mineral resources. Other neighbouring countries have been benefiting as a result of smuggling of minerals such as gold.

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