
Thursday, December 03, 2009

(HERALD) What does MDC-T know about heroes?

What does MDC-T know about heroes?

EDITOR — MDC-T’s crybaby mentality never ceases to amaze me.

I hear the party’s list of ‘‘outstanding issues’’ continues to grow but at all times skirts the issue of the illegal economic sanctions.

First, it was the Gono and Tomana issue including the provincial governors, now I hear there is George Charamba. The list has grown long to include national heroes, ambassadors, the media, security sector reform, etc.

This is hogwash. MDC-T leaders are under the notion that they are indispensable and Zanu-PF will capitulate to whatever they say. What they forget is that they don’t call the shots.

Zanu-PF holds the Presidency and can form a government with or without them.

It’s quite hilarious that MDC-T wants to discuss national heroes. What do they know about national heroes? National heroes in our context are those who liberated this country. The MDC-T is full of people who fought on the side of Smith, surely such people can never be considered heroes, except maybe in Rhodesian circles.

Can a Nazi be declared a hero in Israel? Can Osama bin Laden run for Congress in the United States?

MDC-T leaders want a reform of the security services yet they have never made a secret their wish to seize power unconstitutionally. They want to be appointed to all influential ambassadorial posts. These guys forget that they are greenhorns.

They are even going to countries where there are ambassadorial vacancies telling them not to accept non-MDC-T members. The cheek of it!

It appears MDC-T leaders are in Government for posts not to serve the people. MDC-T behaves like a talkative woman in a marriage. Such a woman is hard to live with. They must be the change they want, and become truly Zimbabwean.

Campion Mereki.

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