Tuesday, December 01, 2009

(HERALD) Mutsekwa calls for sanctions removal

Mutsekwa calls for sanctions removal
Crime Reporter

HOME Affairs co-Minister Giles Mutsekwa has called for the immediate removal of illegal economic sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by Britain and the United States of America saying they were adversely affecting the nation. He said the Zimbabwe Republic Police had not been spared, as the force could not diligently discharge its mandate.

Speaking at a farewell event for police officers leaving for the 2009 SARPCCO Games in Malawi, Minister Mutsekwa said it was disheartening to note that essential institutions such as the police had to bear the brunt of the illegal sanctions imposed by Britain and her allies.

"Therefore, I wish to categorically call for the immediate removal of these illegal sanctions, as their continued existence is affecting the ZRP’s ability to diligently discharge its mandate," he said.

As the co-Minister of Home Affairs, the minister said, he was aware that ZRP had for some time been forced to depend on the private sector and well- wishers for funding of its operations including vital activities such as sport.

Minister Mutsekwa said it was undeniable that the continued reliance by ZRP on the private sector compromised the efficacy of the force and also provided a fertile ground for corruption.

He said the police remained a coherent institution, which had stood the test of time and was a shining beacon in the country, regionally and internationally.

"It is undeniable that the organisation continues to effectively discharge its constitutional mandate despite the ferocity of the detractors determined to ruin the country.

"Thus I wish to commend the ZRP leadership, officers and members for demonstrating unparalleled commitment and astuteness to permeate the turbulent policing environment, which is sadly characterised by illegal sanctions," Minister Mutsekwa said.

Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri said 144 officers were going to represent Zimbabwe in Blantyre, Malawi, during the SARPCCO Games.

He urged them to maintain high levels of discipline, as it was the cornerstone of the organisation.

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