
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kabimba challenges Rupiah’s ZANAMA title deeds directive

Kabimba challenges Rupiah’s ZANAMA title deeds directive
By Sututu Katundu in Lusaka and Mutuna Chanda in Kitwe
Tue 15 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general Wynter Kabimba yesterday warned that PF will challenge President Rupiah Banda's directive to local government minister Eustarckio Kazonga to issue title deeds to Kitwe's Chisokone market to the Zambia National Marketeers Association (ZANAMA).

In a letter addressed to Kazonga yesterday, Kabimba, who is also chairman for PF local government and environment, stated that President Banda's directive contravened the provisions of the Markets and Bus Station Act no. 7 of 2007.

“We as Patriotic Front view the President's directive which is intended to please ZANAMA, which does not encompass all marketeers in the country as an act of patronage to woo the association's executive to campaign for the MMD. It is, therefore, not a directive in the interest of the valuable marketeers,” Kabimba stated.

He added that no piece of land used as a market could be alienated without the resolution of the council, which owns such property.

“Consequently, the Patriotic Front will challenge through the courts of law any illegal alienation of council property under the said presidential directive if you attempt to execute the same,” Kabimba warned.

He advised President Banda to appoint ZANAMA president Elvis Nkandu in the MMD since he personally expressed admiration for him as the Julius Malema of the MMD, instead of using the markets which were the property of all citizens irrespective of their political affiliation to pay him for his partisan stance towards the MMD.

Kabimba hoped Kazonga would respect the law because any presidential directive in the country was not law, at all.

President Banda on Friday at the ZANAMA 10th anniversary celebrations, issued instructions to Kazonga that ZANAMA be given the title deeds to Chisokone market after a passionate plea from ZANAMA chairman general Elvis Nkandu to be handed the trading place.

And the rival-trading group to ZANAMA at Chisokone market has opposed President Banda's instruction to Kazonga over the Chisokone title deeds.

But Zambia Traders and Marketeers Association (ZATMA) in a joint statement signed by its chairman Goodson Mofya, national secretary Chrispin Musunka and national trustee Evans Witika asked President Banda whether Chisokone market would be subdivided to allow for title deeds to be given to other associations who have members there.
The trio stated that there were three other associations other than ZANAMA at Chisokone market. They stated that late president Levy Mwanawasa was misled in a similar fashion by those who surrounded him and that the situation was only corrected when he heard from the other associations.

"Mr President, does it mean that if ZANAMA is given title deeds for Chisokone market other associations will as well be given?" they asked. "The meetings we had with late president Mwanawasa at State House on two occasions over Chisokone market, other markets and the market boards were fruitful. We feel and humbly appeal to His Excellency to revisit the minutes and submissions of those meetings. Markets are public institutions and if title deeds are given to associations, anarchy, exploitation of man by man will be the order of the day."

They appealed to Kazonga to hold forensic consultations before going ahead with facilitating the issuance of title deeds to ZANAMA.

And PF Nchanga member of parliament Wylbur Simuusa said President Banda's directive to Kazonga was a recipe for confusion because there were many interest groups in Chisokone market.

He said President Banda was throwing away what late president Mwanawasa did when he scrapped off associations that were running bus stations and instead handed over public property such as markets to local authorities.

"This just confirms that ZANAMA is a wing of the MMD," said Simuusa.

ZANAMA has been involved in MMD campaigns including the recent Solwezi Central parliamentary by-election.

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