
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chavez cites bureaucracy as Venezuela’s greatest enemy

Chavez cites bureaucracy as Venezuela’s greatest enemy
By Larry Moonze in Havana, Cuba
Tue 15 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

VENEZUELAN President Hugo Chavez has said the greatest enemy to Venezuela’s transformation process is bureaucracy.

In his intervention to the 10th Cuba-Venezuela Intergovernmental meeting at Havana’s Palace of Conventions on Saturday, President Chavez said not even the seven US military installations in Colombia could destroy the Venezuelan revolutionary process.

“The Venezuelan revolution cannot be defeated by the military bases in Colombia or any other foreign power but by Venezuelans themselves,” President Chavez said. “We have challenges ahead. I remember now Che Enersto Guevara when he was fighting bureaucracy.

In Venezuela one of the biggest problems is bureaucracy. It is like cholesterol, you have it inside of you but you do not realise it. I know that as another value of these meetings is defeating bureaucracy.”

He told the meeting that he had just come from a meeting with former Cuban president Fidel Castro. President Chavez said Fidel accompanied him to the car.

“He ran me to the car… He warned me that I would not be on time for this meeting. He asked me to leave,” he said.

“I almost brought him to this activity. He Fidel was about to come because I saw it in his eyes. He sends you greetings and an embrace.”

President Chavez thanked Cuban people for their kindness and love.

“As Jose Marti said, love is paid by love,” he said. “And as Fidel said if the Venezuelan Bolivarian revolution is destroyed the entire continent would fall into the hands of the empire (US). The Venezuelan revolution without the Cuban revolution would not exist. Both are obliged to battle in unity to free the entire Latin American continent from the yankee empire.”

President Chavez said he fully agreed with Fidel’s statement that the Cuban Revolution could not be defeated by imperialism or any other foreign power but that it could only be destroyed by Cubans themselves.

“I say the same for Venezuela,” he said.
President Chavez said Cuba and Venezuelans should defend their revolutionary processes.

He said the intergovernmental meetings were part of that battle to defend both countries’ developmental processes.
“We have signed 92 per cent of the contracts and the remaining eight will be completed by end of December, that is what Fidel said,” said President Chavez. “We are doing all this and Fidel is following everything closely. Fidel, I swear to you we will do it.”

He said the obtaining situation and processes obliged both countries to work faster in implementing the mechanisms.

President Chavez said both countries should quickly source finances, detect problems, adapt, become creative and see opportunities.

“We should explain to the people in detail the impact of these agreements,” he said.

President Chavez said another challenge was identifying the map for mercantile products of every country in the region in order to reach the new historic formation.

“But that comes with a scientific challenge,” said President Chavez. “We are entitled to crown the process of 200 years and to develop cooperation and socialism respecting the particular characteristics of each country.”

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