
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

There’s no basis for resigning – Mpombo

There’s no basis for resigning – Mpombo
By George Chellah
Tue 15 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

FORMER defence minister George Mpombo yesterday challenged the ruling MMD to proceed with his expulsion if they have a solid case against him.

Reacting to acting MMD spokesperson Mike Mulongoti's statement that he should resign from the party, Mpombo said as far as he was concerned there was no basis for his resignation.

“Let's return to the basic rules of democracy. If Mulongoti has a solid case against me, let him go ahead and expel me. Mulongoti has been on my neck for a long time so maybe this is an opportunity for him to achieve his sinister motives against me,” Mpombo said.

“Mulongoti is a great liability to the party. That man has no constituency.”

Mpombo also dismissed Copperbelt Province MMD chairman Joseph Chilambwe's suspension letter to him.

“That is just a bunkum garbage. Chilambwe is just appointed, he is not in touch with the grassroots,” he said.

Mpombo wondered why the MMD were not proceeding with their action since the period for him to exculpate himself according to Chilambwe's letter had already lapsed.

Announcing Mpombo's suspension, Chilambwe said the MMD had decided to suspend Mpombo because he had brought the name of the ruling party in disrepute and that his actions and utterances on various national and party issues boardered on treason.

He said Mpombo has continued to defy his oath of allegiance to President Banda and the nation at large and gone out of his way to destroy the MMD.

And earlier during a Hot FM radio's Face the Media programme yesterday, Mpombo advised the MMD to be careful with the manner in which they handled him. He listed a number of developments he had done in Kafulafuta.

“Whoever wants to stand against me will suffer the most devastating defeat. The people of Kafulafuta don't see the reason why I should leave MMD. But that doesn't mean they will not react if I am pushed out. I am not stranded,” he said.

Mpombo said if he had kept quiet, the MMD national convention could not have taken place.
“If people didn't speak, the party was going to be reduced to nothing. People must stand up and must speak out,” he said.

He said there were no clandestine activities between himself and the opposition.
“There are some of us who feel so strongly about MMD,” he said.

Mpombo denied ever insulting President Banda.

“I don't think what I’m saying amounts to insults. These are just observations or my thinking about what I perceive to be going on,” he said.

Mpombo said there was nothing personal and that President Banda was aware of his concerns.

“I’m very independent. If my party chooses a path of dialogue a lot of things could be achieved. I’m my own man myself, I’m not a voice representing anybody,” said Mpombo.

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