
Monday, December 21, 2009

LAZ responds to govt's allegations

LAZ responds to govt's allegations
By Chibaula Silwamba
Sun 20 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) president Stephen Lungu yesterday said it was unfortunate that Vice-President George Kunda has taken a political position by accusing LAZ of being in an alliance with the PF-UPND pact.

And Lusaka lawyer Eddie Mwitwa yesterday said any reasonable lawyer would support LAZ's call for Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Chalwe Mchenga to resign from his position.

Reacting to Vice-President and justice minister Kunda's allegations that LAZ was being partisan, Lungu dismissed the allegations against them saying LAZ was above politics.

“The association is being guided by the Law Association of Zambia Act section 4 that spells out what it is that we do as an association. As an association that is the only thing that guides us. The position we have taken is non-partisan but is purely a position that deals with our Constitution, and it's an issue that relates to the DPP,” Lungu said. “It is, therefore, unfortunate situation that the Vice-President can make such an accusation when absolutely it is not correct.”

Lungu regretted that Vice-President Kunda had taken a political position in the matter.
“As an association we are above politics. We do know that within the association there are people that have political alliances. As an association we try or we strive to keep away from political alliances and that is why everything that we do is guided by Section 4 of the LAZ Act,” Lungu said. “Suffice to say, as an association, this is the position we have taken.”

Asked what LAZ would do if Mchenga declines to resign and is backed by the government, Lungu responded: “We will look into the decision they have taken now and we will decide what next course of action to take.”

And Mwitwa supported LAZ's position on Mchenga.
“I think any reasonable lawyer would support what LAZ has decided on the matter. I have no objection to LAZ's stance,” said Mwitwa.

Addressing a media briefing at his office in Lusaka on Friday, Vice-President Kunda accused the LAZ council of comprising opposition PF members.

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