
Monday, December 21, 2009

Tanzania lifts ban on transfer of loose transit cargo

Tanzania lifts ban on transfer of loose transit cargo
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe
Mon 21 Dec. 2009, 04:00 CAT

TANZANIA has lifted the ban imposed on transportation of loose parcels by Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) from the Dar es Salaam Port into neighbouring countries, including Zambia.

Last August, Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) banned the transfer of loose transit cargo from Dar es Salaam Port/ Inland container depots (ICDs) and Julius Nyerere International Airport to TAZARA passengers Terminal and Ithala Goods shed for subsequent loading on rail wagons.

Dar es Salaam Port is Zambia’s most important access to the sea and the bulk of imports and exports come via the port.

According to Tanzanian authorities, the move was necessary to mitigate the risks of illegal diversion of transit goods into home use by few unscrupulous traders who were prevalent then.

The move, however, drew sharp outcry from Zambian cross-border traders who imported their cargo through the Dar es Salaam Port.

But according to the letter addressed to managing director of TAZARA and obtained by The Post, TRA disclosed that the ban had been lifted following the correction of shortfalls that led to its imposition.

TRA commissioner for customs and excise Walid Juma cautioned that all agreed terms and conditions needed to be abided with.

“Reference is hereby made to your letter with reference TZR/PCA/PAX/2009 and subsequent meeting between TRA – Customs and Excise Department and TAZARA held on 6th August 2009 at Customs Headquarters to discuss: Appeal to Resume Receiving and loading transit parcels at Dar es Salaam Port Station,” the letter read in part.

“Based on what was agreed in the meeting as recorded in the dully signed note of discussion and after your concerted efforts to correct to the satisfaction of the this department (TRA), all shortfalls that prompted the suspension, the commissioner for Customs and Excise has agreed to lift the ban that was imposed on 4th November 2008 and communicated to the business community...

“By copy of this letter you can now resume the conveyance of transit parcels under the terms and conditions agreed vide signed note of discussion of August 2009 meeting.”

Earlier this year, the Dar es Salaam Port logistics committee in Kapiri Mposhi complained to Zambia's envoy in Tanzania to intervene in the matter where new legislation in Tanzania had affected the conduct of business in Zambia.

In a letter dated August 18, 2009, and jointly signed by the committee’s chairman Chrispine Kasonde and secretary Darius Kapembwa, the committee stated that the Zambian communities had been facing difficulties in transporting transit goods from Dar es Salaam to Kapiri Mposhi due to the change in legislation on the Tanzanian side.

The committee stated that the current system required each and every importer transiting goods to hire a wagon or luggage van at a cost of US $3,100 and US $3,400.

“Those charges are beyond most importers who import petty consignments,” stated the committee.

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