Sunday, December 13, 2009

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zanu PF Congress blasts MDC's insincerity

Zanu PF Congress blasts MDC's insincerity
Sun, 13 Dec 2009 16:07:00 +0000

THE 5th Zanu PF National Congress has resolved that the party should no longer give in to any of the MDC formations' demands until they reciprocate by calling for an end to illegal sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe and until the MDC has succeeded in stopping the broadcasting of hate messages by pirate radio stations run by Zimbabweans abroad.

Delegates say the President and First Secretary of the party, Robert Mugabe, should ensure that negotiators quickly settle all outstanding issues under the Global Political Agreement signed by the country’s three major political parties which form the inclusive Government.

Reading the party’s resolutions at the end of the congress late last night, Zanu-PF’s Secretary for Administration, Cde Didymus Mutasa, said there should be no more compromise on the part of Zanu PF as the MDC formations had failed to remove sanctions against the country.

“There should be no movement on the concerns of the MDC formations without corresponding and simultaneous redress of Zanu PF’s concerns such as the illegal western sanctions and western funded pirate radio broadcasts,” said Mutasa.

The party also decried attempts by foreigners to get involved in the constitution making process and subsequently resolved to maintain a homegrown constitution making process that preserved the gains of the liberation struggle.

Zanu PF also condemned attempts by the Minister of Finance Mr Tendai Biti to prevent the release of US$510 million from the International Monetary Fund.

“Congress condemns in the strongest terms, the reckless actions of the Minister Biti’s in particular his abuse of constitutional authority to prevent the release of the US$510 million IMF Global financial crisis mitigation facility and his systematic denial of seasonal support to the agricultural sector and his peanut budget for the year 2010.”

The congress also called for the Government to conclude the land acquisition exercise by expediting the remaining components of land allocation, distribution and security tenure.

The poor state of social services in the country, particularly in the education, health delivery and water reticulation sectors a result of western imposed sanctions, were viewed as the major cause of economic decline.

Congress delegates said while they welcomed the support and partnership of other well-meaning non-governmental players, the inclusive Government was supposed to be the primary provider of social services to the nation.

They said the inclusive Government should set benchmarks for all local authorities, when setting their budgets, to remain sensitive to the needs and the limited savings of the people under the current adverse economic environment.

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