Monday, December 07, 2009

Zuma visits Zambia today

Zuma visits Zambia today
By Chibaula Silwamba
Mon 07 Dec. 2009, 04:01 CAT

SOUTH African President Jacob Zuma (right) and eight of his ministers are expected in Zambia today for a four-day bilateral visit where they will sign several Memoranda of Understanding (MoU).

In an interview on Saturday, South African High Commissioner to Zambia Moses Chikane said through President Zumaís visit, South Africa wants to enhance its relationship with Zambia.

“Next week, our President is coming on the 7th of December (today) and he will be in Zambia until the 10th of December to consolidate our relationship with Zambia. It has always been healthy but we think that it needs to be taken to new heights where we can begin to develop a concise programme of win-win situation,” High Commissioner Chikane said.

“He Zuma is bringing with him eight ministers and all those ministers are also going to be signing memorandum of understanding.”

High Commissioner Chikane said President Zuma and his delegation would give him and his staff at the mission a blueprint programme on enhancing bilateral cooperation with Zambia.

“For us, it’s going to be a programme from day one as soon as they go back home. It means that they have given us a business plan; something to work on in order to create a win-win situation in the southern tip of the African continent,î said High Commissioner Chikane. ìWe know that Zambia is not landlocked; Zambia is land linked with eight neighbouring countries. You develop relationship with Zambia; you develop relationship with SADC. You develop the relationship with SADC; you develop a relationship with the African continent.

“As you can see today we are here on the Zimbabwean side of the Chirundu one-stop-border-post, so there is work in progress in the southern African region. Wheels of progress are grinding faster and faster every day. We think our children will find Zambia and this continent better than we found out.”

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