Sunday, January 03, 2010

Bishop Lungu asks Zambians not to take peace for granted

Bishop Lungu asks Zambians not to take peace for granted
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Sun 03 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

ZAMBIA Episcopal Conference president Bishop George Lungu has appealed to Zambians not to take peace for granted. And Bishop George Lungu also read a letter from Pope Benedict the 16th based on the New Year theme of praying for peace.

Delivering a sermon at Mary Mother of Jesus sub parish in Chipata's Nabvutika area on Friday, Bishop Lungu said Zambians were blessed because they had never experienced what it meant to be a refugee.

"In the whole world today we are praying for peace. To be frank, us people from Zambia are blessed in a special way because we have never experienced what it means to be a refugee. We have never experienced what it means to be a refugee. We have just seen our colleagues coming from Mozambique and we kept them at Ukwimi refugee camp, others coming from Angola we kept them at Maheba refugee camp but us, we have never.

Our colleagues most of the times their luggage are already set because of wars and there is no development, There is not time for education there is no time to the hospital they just die on the roads and we Zambians are at home," Bishop Lungu said.

He said Zambians should thank God because they had time to do everything that they could in a peaceful environment.

"...of course it is a relative peace it’s not that because of this silence then we have the complete peace, no but at least we have peace. We should thank God for this. We see how refugees suffer; others the only property that they come with at the camp is only a chicken and this has not happened to a Zambian so don't take life for granted; don't take peace for granted no. God can remove the peace we are enjoying anytime if certain things are not in place, so we should thank God for the peace we are enjoying in this country," Bishop Lungu said.

And Bishop Lungu said the Pope, in his letter, urged people to protect creation.
"In the letter the Pope is saying God loved mankind before creation. He put in place everything that could help a person both spiritually and other things.

The problem which came is that this person is so selfish and he wants to be like God. Instead of protecting creation which is there to help him, he started destroying creation. The Pope is saying this is why there are a lot of accidents because the creation is bitter. These days we hear of Tsunami which can kill more than 250,000 people at a go," Bishop Lungu said.

He said many countries, including neighbouring Malawi, had experienced earthquakes. Bishop Lungu said what was happening now were signs that creation had risen against mankind. He said the Pope was recommending that those entrusted with making laws involving creation should come up with good and protective laws.

"I agree with the Pope because even here in Chipata, we cut trees anyhow for charcoal and other things but we don't plant trees. The other day you will hear that children have been swept away by water because hills are bare, they can't hold water anymore and this goes to show that there are no strong laws that protect creation," said Bishop Lungu.

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