Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chiluba is damaging MMD – Nalubamba

Chiluba is damaging MMD – Nalubamba
By Patson Chilemba
Sun 31 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE MMD is damaging its 2011 election prospects by trying to promote Frederick Chiluba's image, senior chief Bright Nalubamba of the Ila people of Namwala district has observed.

Commenting on the adoption of the clause by the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) which ensures the restoration of the presidential immunity once someone has been cleared of criminal allegations, as well as former president Frederick Chiluba's campaigns for President Rupiah Banda on the Copperbelt, chief Nalubamba said it was there for all to see how Chiluba squandered public resources and mismanaged the country.

“So, we can't allow anyone to squander our money. If anything, I can assure you, the fact that they are trying to promote the image of Chiluba in the country, they are damaging their prospects for the 2011 elections,” chief Nalubamba said.

“I want to say that they have embraced the wrong person to campaign for MMD because Zambians know what Chiluba did. And even the Vice-President George Kunda to change his mind, when he came back from UK to say 'yes, Chiluba stole public property and the London judgment is against him', are you not aware that is what he said when he came back from UK?

“And we spent a lot of Zambian money on the prosecution, but for what if we had no case against Chiluba?”

On the NCC's adoption of the restoration of the immunity, chief Nalubamba said some clauses that were being adopted at the NCC were against the will of the people.

“Anyway laws are made by the people. What you make as a law today can be unmade. We can unmake that law, we can amend that law. I am sure when Zambians come in the office, with the true heart of the people, they will definitely amend that law, if it becomes law,” chief Nalubamba said. “My prayer is that those who are going to come in as members of parliament next election, they must amend that law.”

On Chiluba's statement in Friday's edition of the Times of Zambia that the decision to adopt the clause on the immunity was in the interest of the people, saying he was happy that governance by the rule of law was being protected and defended by the NCC delegates, chief Nalubamba said this was the same Chiluba who said he was an ambassador of Christ and was not governed by the laws of this land.

“Now, first of all that is most unfortunate that the man who was ruling Zambia using the law of this land can make such a horrible statement,” chief Nalubamba said. “I don't know if whether it is the responsibility of the NCC to remove or restore the immunity of the former president whose case is not even complete yet. As an individual, I am very confused. What is it that is taking too long to register the London judgment? Why are they taking too long? What is it that they are hiding?”

Chief Nalubamba reminded President Banda that he was embracing a liability, who had been accused of criminal activities.
“So if I were the President, I would distance myself from him, so that people don't accuse me of any collusion,” he said.

Chief Nalubamba said he still did not understand how Chiluba was acquitted while his wife, Regina, who received stolen property from him was found guilty.

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