Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Civil service lacks independence, says Kabeta

Civil service lacks independence, says Kabeta
By Florence Bupe
Wed 06 Jan. 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA) chief executive Hapenga Kabeta has expressed disappointment with the performance of civil service institutions, which he said lack independence. In an interview, Kabeta said Zambia should not allow a culture of interference from the executive arm of the government in issues that should be handled independently.

“You may wish to know that ZICA we must be seen as one of the corporate the governance institutions and that’s one area where we probably have not performed too well,” Kabeta said.

“We are particularly concerned about the continued culture which has invaded Zambia of appointing permanent secretaries by the executive arm. Our view is that the public service commission through the secretary to the Cabinet becomes the appointing authority.”

Kabeta said the civil service had not performed to the expectations of the Zambian people and warned that this could continue if corrective measures were not instituted.

“The civil service has not performed as it should, and we feel it will never do for as long as matters of governance are not addressed,” he said.

Kabeta called for a total review of civil service operations and stressed the need for regulatory institutions such as the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) to operate more independently.

Our old way of doing things won’t work. We need a total rethink of doing things. There is policy inconsistency because our policy framework is very different when it comes to implementation,” Kabeta said.

“We need to change our way of doing things, otherwise the challenges we are facing will never end. We need to strengthen institutions of governance such as ERB and the office of the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions).”

And Kabeta observed that the energy sector in Zambia was performing far below its potential because of government’s rigidity to effectively address prevailing challenges.

He cited the proposed disbanding of Zesco Limited as a subject on which the government had been adamant, saying there was need to consider this possibility.

“It is evident that Zesco is not meeting the expectations of the people but for whatever reason, government is very uncomfortable with the subject of disbanding the power utility,” he said.

Kabeta also said Indeni Oil Refinery in its current form would continue to be an added cost to the energy sector.

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