Sunday, January 17, 2010

End attacks on Zambian media – FAJ

End attacks on Zambian media – FAJ
By Namatama Mundia
Sun 17 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

THE Federation of African Journalist (FAJ), the African regional organisation of the International Federation of Journalist (IFJ), has called on Zambian authorities to immediately end attacks on the Zambian media as they work to establish a self-regulatory mechanism.

In a press statement, FAJ also condemned the government’s intervention, describing it as an attempt to intimidate and control the media.

“Zambian journalists know best how to police their profession,” said FAJ president Omar Faruk Osman. “Government should not interfere in media affairs. We fully support Zambia Union of Journalists ZUJ’s position and we call on the Zambian government to stop attacking the media.”

FAJ stated that self-regulation would strengthen the Zambian media as it would show they were accountable to the public they served.

“Self-regulation will boost public confidence in the media and provide a channel for dialogue between media and the public in Zambia,” Osman said. “It is the only way for responsible media and quality-conscious journalists to deal with concerns from the public about media.”

Last week, home affairs minister Lameck Mangani has directed the registrar of societies to investigate the legality of the Press Association of Zambia (PAZA) executive committee.

But ZUJ believes the minister’s threats were intended to deter other media organisations from supporting the self-regulatory process which was being promoted.

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