Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Masheke has no moral ground to challenge KK, says Kayuni

Masheke has no moral ground to challenge KK, says Kayuni
By Mutale Kapekele
Tue 05 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

A group of UNIP youths and the party’s women’s lea-gue yesterday storm-ed The Post in protest over a story published on Sunday where UNIP Revival Forum chairperson General Malimba Masheke called Dr Kenneth Kaunda an MMD cadre.

Leading the delegation, national women's secretary Beatrice Kayuni charged that Gen Masheke was a political impostor who had no moral ground to challenge Dr Kaunda.

“General Malimba Masheke is a political fraud and an imposter. He has no moral ground to challenge Dr Kaunda because he is a stooge of Michael Sata and the PF,” Kayuni said.

“He is easily bribed and known for contributing nothing to the party and the nation both in opposition and in the government. When he was prime minister of Zambia, he even failed to secure the title deeds for the party assets like Mulungushi Rock of Authority in Kabwe, UNIP complex along Independence Avenue and other party properties.”

She charged that Gen Masheke was also known to destabilise UNIP by creating factions within the party.

“He Masheke is infamously known for creating factions to destabilise the party from 1992 to 1995 when he created a faction against Kebby Musokotwane, and in 1997 to 2002 when he created another faction against Dr Kaunda,” she said.

“In 2000, he was rejected at the party congress as president and after that he joined the FFD where he is still a member. He stood for party president there also but failed lamentably. “

Kayuni charged that Gen Masheke was a liability to UNIP as he had created a huge debt for the party.

“He has always been a liability to UNIP. He created a debt and ran away so he has no moral right to condemn the current leadership which has liquidated the debt that he left and has created new wealth for the party,” she said.

“General Masheke must be grateful to the Kaunda family because without it he could have been a nobody in this nation.”

She said Dr Kaunda's contribution to the country and southern Africa was immeasurable and could not be dented or distorted by “ranting of failed politicians like Gen Masheke.”

Kayuni urged Gen Masheke to desist from “insulting” Dr Kaunda who had quit active politics.

She also described as “lousy” comments by PF general secretary Wynter Kabimba who described Dr Kaunda as a hypocrite and divisive failure acting for self preservation.

“What has Kabimba done for this country?” she asked. “KK deserves respect. KK built this country and now people have come out of their senses and they want to disrespect him. Even the little knowledge they have was because KK sent them to school for free. We are very disappointed with Kabimba and PF president Michael Sata. We expect them to honour KK. Sata was actually groomed by KK and now he is just the same as the MMD who have failed this country. All he knows are insults after he failed in the MMD and he is just like President Rupiah Banda who has moved from being a socialist to liberal.”

She said Sata and President Banda were the same politically as they both entertained former president Frederick Chiluba.
Kayuni said UNIP would not tolerate insults especially if it involved Dr Kaunda.

“We are not going to tolerate insulting behaviour from anybody. They like insulting each other in the press and when we don't talk about it doesn't mean we respect them,” she said.

“KK has a right to give advice to any Zambian as a father of the nation because no one can compare to him in terms of developing this country. Even the MMD cannot show any thing for their 20 years in office.”

She said Dr Kaunda could never be MMD because he believed in humanism whilst the ruling party was liberal.

Kayuni said politics should be based on issues that were affecting the country as insults could not develop the country.

“There are a lot of development issues that politicians can talk about, that is why KK sent them to school so that today they can be political leaders,” Kayuni said.

She also announced that some members of the UNIP Revival F¡orum like Gen Masheke would not be allowed to attend the forthcoming party congress.

On Saturday, Gen Masheke said he could not be surprised if Dr Kaunda had become an MMD cadre following the latter's attack on former defence minister George Mpombo.

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