
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

NCC’s degree clause is an embarrassment – Shamenda

NCC’s degree clause is an embarrassment – Shamenda
By George Chellah
Tue 26 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

FACKSON Shamenda has observed that the recommendation to include the degree clause in the Constitution is an embarrassment to the country.

Commenting on the proposal by the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) that a presidential candidate must be a degree holder, Shamenda, who is also former Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) president, stressed the need to focus on wisdom as opposed to academic qualifications.

“You see, academic education and wisdom are two different things. Look at people like South African President Jacob Zuma. Look at people who fought the War like Winston Churchill. Even if you go by the standards of the developed world, the minimum type of qualification they have because of the education system which they have it is our grade 12...grade 12 is like a first degree," Shamenda said.

"They don't go and ask for things to say 'we need persons with a second degree or who is a professor or things like that'. So as we strengthen our democratic institutions make sure that a person who is elected is going to be a wise person."

He said the requirement of a degree holder for presidential candidates did not exist in most of the countries around.

“So immediately you start doing that, we are exposing ourselves that we are targeting certain individuals. And the fact that we have even talked about it before and there are persons we have in mind is very unfortunate,” Shamenda said. “It is very, very embarrassing...I don't want to cause problems for myself with the NCC. Now it confirms why some people did not want to participate in the NCC because the product which is coming out of it, I think, will be questionable.”

He bemoaned the lack of progress in the constitution-making process.

"It is very unfortunate that we are getting ourselves round. And instead of progressing, instead of looking at how we can put a constitution which will stand a test of time for people who are going to come, we are looking at issues which might be targeting others and then protecting other clauses, which will also protect other people like the 50 per cent plus one," said Shamenda.

"You can see that there are interest groups and the degree thing you can equally see that there are interest groups, which is unfortunate because people should be looking the way a doctor treats a patient they don't emotionally get involved. The services, which they perform to the patient, should be in the interest of the patient, for the life of the patient.

"In this case, we are supposed to be looking at the life of a country and the good governance of the same. But if we start looking at various interests that we might have because if anything we are doing this for the people to come."

Last week, the NCC unanimously adopted the recommendation, which requires a presidential candidate under the Republican Constitution to be a person who holds a first degree. A recommendation that most of the NCC critics dismissed and stated that it was targeting PF leader Michael Sata, who by then was viewed as not holding any degree.

However, PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba, who was addressing a workshop for returning officers for the party elections over the weekend, disclosed that Sata meets the requirements set out in the recent NCC recommendation that a presidential candidate must be a degree holder.

Kabimba explained that the party cannot ignore the NCC's recommendations in particular the recently reported requirement that a presidential candidate must be a person who holds a first degree.

"Some of our members have been calling to find out whether or not Mr Sata would qualify under such a constitutional provision if he is elected at the party's general conference. Let me take this opportunity to re-assure all our members and supporters that Michael Chilufya Sata does qualify to run as president under the provisions of the current constitution and he also qualifies as a candidate under the provision recommended by the NCC, which requires a degree holder for president," said Kabimba. "If the NCC recommendation is enacted into law it is not Michael Sata who will ultimately look stupid but the initiators of that provision and all its supporters in the NCC.

As this is not a provision demanded by the ordinary people of Zambia who are only interested in a president who exhibits compassion, humility, wisdom, courage and one who guarantees them protection against foreign economic invasion. These are not traits or values you acquire through a degree in law, economics or whatever form of academic qualifications. They come after long, extensive and wide experience in public life with a proven record of personal commitment to the welfare of the poor."

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