
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Power outages rile Zambezi residents

Power outages rile Zambezi residents
By Mwila Chansa
Tue 26 Jan. 2010, 04:01 CAT

SENIOR chief Ndungu of the Luvale people of Zambezi yesterday said people in the area are fed up to the point of wanting to demonstrate over persistent power blackouts in the district.

Confirming reports that Zambezi district had been in a power blackout for three weeks, chief Ndungu said people were not happy. He said he was briefed about a breakdown of the diesel-power generator and assured that the district was supposed to get a new generator but nothing had happed.

"It's critical because without electricity, life comes to a standstill. I am told in the past three days, they (Zesco) have started rationing electricity; I am told they have worked on the generator, but people are not happy," he said.

"People are fed up to the point of even wanting to demonstrate at the district commissioner's office."

Chief Ndungu also feared this year's floods might be worse than last year's.

"At the moment, (flood) waters have reached near the palace," he said.

Zambezi district commissioner Bissalomo Luwaile said only one generator was running, catering for sensitive institutions like the hospital and water plant, which were having steady supply of electricity.
Luwaile also said Zesco was rationing power to the residents.

He said he had a meeting with residents last Saturday where they resolved to wait for new machines to arrive from Dar-es-Salaam.

Luwaile said the machine that broke down had been worked on and was being expected in Zambezi by today.

Concerned Zambezi residents yesterday complained that due to lack of power, people were forced to go to the crocodile infested Zambezi River to draw water.

"Already, two people have been caught by crocodiles," complained one of the residents who preferred anonymity.

"People even wanted to demonstrate at the DC's office but he stopped them assuring them that Zesco had bought generators which were in Dar-es-Salaam. Imagine three weeks without power and the area member of parliament has done nothing," complained the resident.

"Imagine if someone dies today, you have to bury today because the mortuary is not working. I even wonder how nurses are taking care of patients especially at night," complained the source.

The residents said people in the area had been faithful voters of the MMD but were now disappointed that they could be treated in such a manner.

"People are annoyed with the MMD. The MMD should pull up their socks. They can't treat people this way," said the source.

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