Monday, January 11, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Moyo statement on 'plot'

Moyo statement on 'plot'
11/01/2010 00:00:00

The following is a statement by Tsholotsho North MP Jonathan Moyo (Zanu PF) reacting to the publication of a story by the 'Zimbabwean on Sunday' newspaper on January 10 entitled: Mnangagwa plots fight-back: talk of a new splinter group. Moyo describes the story as "fiction":

The desperately false claim that I attended a political meeting of any kind in Gweru on December 25, 2009 or that I was anywhere in or near Gweru on Christmas day to mastermind a so-called Tsholotsho Part II strategy with some unnamed people who allegedly included Cdes Emmerson Mnangagwa, July Moyo, Flora Buka, Fred Kanzama and Mike Madiro is a terribly fictitious and astonishingly idiotic tale told by wretched MDC T idiots who are now running scared of the oblivion facing their treacherous party on the back of Zanu PF’s apparent resurgence.

If these idiots and their equally idiotic British handlers cared to check facts and build their propaganda on some truth, something they are apparently incapable of doing because of their breathtaking incompetence, they would have known that from December 24 to December 27 last year I was actually in beautiful Kariba enjoying true Zimbabwean hospitality at Christmas with my family at Caribbea Bay.

This is a fact known to staff at that hotel and by many other families, some of them well known personalities, who also were guests at the hotel.

Only idiots can believe and claim that I was in Gweru and in Kariba at exactly one and the same time because that proposition is plainly idiotic!

Just because some MDC T idiots could not have Christmas with their families because of their sell-out commitments does not mean we are all that depraved.

Surely, they should have chosen a better day for their fictitious rubbish than Christmas day!

It is a shame that in this digital age where facts are very easy to establish and verify, we still have foolish Uncle Toms like Wilf Mbaga and his idiotic pawns in Harare who peddle crude and embarrassing lies reminiscent of what Native Commissioners and their Tshombes used to cook up in the colonial days.

But of course, there is no reason for anyone to expect factual information from publications like Wilf Mbanga’s so-called Zimbabwean which now routinely reproduces fictitious and idiotic counter intelligence rubbish that is habitually planted by lazy and incompetent British and American agents in some hopeless and patently idiotic websites that are better left unmentioned.


It is not clear why Tendai Biti abused his position as Minister of Finance to remove all duty from newspapers in order to specifically benefit Wilf Mbanga’s so-called Zimbabwean which apparently gets its fictitious anti-Zanu PF stories from British counter intelligence operatives specialising on peddling disinformation on behalf of the now decomposing MDC T.

As for Wilf Mbanga, who does not now know that he is a celebrated media fraud masquerading as a journalist? In fact, Wilf Mbanga is so treacherously blinded by his love for Rhodies and Brits that he cannot recognise any truth even if it smacks him on his Uncle Tom face.

It is therefore not surprising that Mbanga has pathetic pawns who call themselves Never Chanda and Farai Shoko who have no shame in accepting dirty money from British intelligence to peddle fictitious and idiotic stories against Zanu PF.

Maybe they do not know this but the MDC T idiots and the British counter intelligence agents behind Wilf Mbanga’s desperately false Christmas story are playing a dangerous disinformation game which can be played in far better ways by revolutionary comrades to the devastation of corrupt and incompetent MDC T ministers, councillors and politicians including Wilf Mbanga and some Zimbabwean website operators whose cupboards are full of shocking skeletons.

With its British and Rhodie roots so naked, the MDC T is a sitting duck for counter intelligence games that others can also play and even better.

If they doubt this, they should continue their dirty tricks and see what will happen to them as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow!

Otherwise, the time has come for the British who sponsor Wilf Mbanga’s rogue publications to understand that their wish for a divided, factionalised or tribalised Zanu PF went down both the Blair and Bush toilets some years back.

This is 2010 and Zanu PF has taken its lessons from the events of the last 10 years and the revolutionary party is poised for renewal and growth rooted in its strong history as a revolutionary liberation movement with a nationalist, democratic and progressive orientation.

This year and beyond, imperialists and their sell-outs such as Wilf Mbanga will come to appreciate that, in the final analysis, every Zimbabwean is Zanu PF at heart!

Prof Jonathan Moyo
Monday, January 11, 2010

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