Monday, January 04, 2010

(NYASATIMES) Campaigners urge Scotland to consider aid to Malawi after arrest of gay couple

COMMENT - I am in two minds about this. At least donor pressure is for once used not for trying to villify Zimbabwe. However, it also shows that African countries should not depend on donor aid if they want to set their own domestic policies. (And I don't like Peter Tatchell - he always seems to be semi-informed about Africa, like when he tried to make a 'citizen's arrest' of President Mugabe. I am all for action, but it has to be informed and it has to be right.)

Campaigners urge Scotland to consider aid to Malawi after arrest of gay couple
By Nyasa Times
Published: December 30, 2009

Scotland government has been urged by human rights campaigners to review their £3 million in funding to Malawi each year following the arrest of the first gay couple to marry in the country, Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza.

Peter Tatchell, human rights campaigner, told The Scotsman newspaper that there should be “no blank cheque” for countries like Malawi that “violate human rights”.

“I hope the Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond will call for the dropping of all charges,” he said.

“If he can make representations to the Malawian ambassador in London and directly to the Malawian president I’m sure it will help ease these men’s plight.

“There’s nothing indecent about two men getting married.”

He added that he hoped the injustice could be resolved by “diplomatic negotiations” but said: “If that fails the UK should reconsider its aid and trade agreements with Malawi.”

“There can be no blank cheque for countries that violate human rights,” he added.
Ros Micklem, Scottish director of the Equality and Humans Rights Commission, also called on the Scottish Government to speak out against the discrimination.

“In our view, criminalising homosexuality is a major barrier to equality and people’s fundamental human rights,” she said.

“This is a view we hope all ambassadors from both Scottish and UK governments not only share but today, and in the coming weeks, will express clearly to their counterparts in Malawi.”

However, homosexuality is illegal in Malawi and carries a maximum prison sentence of 14 years.

Scottish Government spokesman declined to become involved, saying: “The Scottish Government’s co-operation agreement with the government of Malawi identifies priority areas for our development funding, aimed at helping some of the world’s poorest people.

“Any other internal issues are a matter for the government of Malawi.” – (Source; The Scotsman)

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