Sunday, January 24, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) British embassy firefighting after Miliband revelation

British embassy firefighting after Miliband revelation
Mutsawashe Makuvise
Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:39:00 +0000

REALISING that they had made a diplomatic blunder by admitting that the Movement for Democratic Change formation of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai (MDC-T) was controlling some of the sanctions illegally imposed on Zimbabwe, the United Kingdom has issued fire fighting statements to try and mitigate the effects of the statement made on Wednesday.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband told the House of Commons that a decision on lifting sanctions would be informed by advice from the as well as developments on the ground in Zimbabwe.

The British Embassy in Harare issued a statement as it became clear that Miliband had made a diplomatic blunder that exposed the MDC-T's hand in the formulation and control of sanctions against Zimbabwe.

First Secretary Keith Scott said in a statement that Britain wants to see the inclusive Government adopt wider reforms before it backs the lifting of sanctions. Scott was more cautious that Miliband. He did not mention the MDC-T party in his comments.

"We need to see progress on implementing the political and economic reforms that are in the global political agreement before we can move on these issues. The sanctions do not affect ordinary Zimbabweans, they only affect those they are targeted at," said in the statement.

The Embassy issued a statement which tried to neutralise Miliband's saying “the most important factor influencing the United Kingdom’s views on lifting European Union restrictive measures will be evidence of actual change and reform on the ground in Zimbabwe.”

The Embassy also avoided the word "sanctions" which was used by Miliband, opting for the one favoured by the MDC-T party, "restrictive measures".

"The key to having restrictive measures eased, or lifted, is for those in Zimbabwe who are currently resisted progress to implement the commitments to reform they agreed to in the Global Political Agreement," said the statement.

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