
Monday, January 11, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Time for Zanu PF to organise itself

Time for Zanu PF to organise itself
Sun, 10 Jan 2010 22:42:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR - Zanu PF needs to organize the grassroots urgently. If it does not do so, the natives will accept the coming back of "vasina mabvi" (colonisers) even though this time it will be through our fellow black surrogates.

Remember the natives accepted the foreigners in the 18th Century because they were not organized. It only took Lobengula to realize he had been cheated, and the likes of Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi to realize that things were going wrong that they organized the masses to rise against foreign occupation.

To this end, I now think the current position of Secretary for Commissariat should be renamed Secretary for Party Organization and Rejuvenation. That way we will consistently remind whoever holds that position that his job is to organize people from cell level right up to the Presidency. That title will automatically set out the Key Performance Indicators -KPI- for that person. That title should be repeated down the line up to cell level. It will prompt the incumbents to work hard.

I make this observation because I feel people are not being organized and educated on the challenges that our country faces.

Failing to do so is dangerous for Zanu PF and our country.

I attended a meeting recently which was discussing land reform issues, that meeting left me disappointed. I will not comment further about that meeting.

Maybe our country’s New Year resolution should be to organize, organize, and organize - door to door if need be. This should be Zanu PF's Plan A, Plan B and Plan C. We should not accept anything less.

The Youth of the party should be the target of this organization-from one cell to the next.

Vane Nzeve Dzokunzwa Ngavanzwe.

*Frank Chita is an acronym for a Zimbabwe Guardian reader.

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