
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

(HERALD) Minister must rein in errant councils

Minister must rein in errant councils

Editor — I am calling upon the Local Government, Rural and Urban Development Minister Ignatius Chombo to take to task local authorities which are extravagant and failing to deliver.

It seems most councils are being mismanaged, overstaffed, overspend, broke and very corrupt. Surely, how can a small town like Rusape require around US$80 000 for three months’ salaries and bonuses? It simply means it is overstaffed or pays extremely high salaries beyond their means.

Also, how can a municipality such as Chitungwiza employ over 1 800 people, many of whom are not qualified and are duplicating jobs? As for Chitungwiza, it had two if not three audits, but still could not find fault in having three or four people share a desk, doing the same job.

Why then does the council cry when it fails to pay salaries, which are out of this world? Most of its workers earn a lot of money yet garbage remains uncollected.

Chitungwiza’s recruiting procedures are always flouted to accommodate relatives of top officials.

I think it is prudent for the Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development and independent bodies to do human resources audits in these local authorities.

The audits should be conducted along the same lines as the one proposed for the civil service recently.

They should make every employee re-apply to retain their jobs if they are suitable and qualified.

Have them employ a modest staff complement, pay modest salaries than chew over 90 percent of revenue on salaries and improve on service delivery.

Freedom Maungwe.

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