
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

(HERALD) Government reintroduces Agric Marketing Authority

COMMENT - Finally someone is turning back the errros of neoliberalism and IMF ESAPs, and it's reliance on selfcorrecting 'free markets'.

Government reintroduces Agric Marketing Authority
Agriculture Reporter

Government has reintroduced the Agricultural Marketing Authority to regulate, supervise, develop and administer the marketing of farming produce in Zimbabwe. The move, it is hoped, will assist new farmers enhance production and marketing of their pro- duce.

Announcing the AMA board yesterday, Agriculture Minister Joseph Made said the authority was crucial within the context of changes to the agri-industry in the past decade.

"We want AMA to play the role of a strategic arm that will enhance production and marketing of agricultural products and advance the long term plans of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development.

"This includes, increase in production and productivity within the agricultural sector," Minister Made said.

The authority is expected to open new and retain current markets and ensure setting of standards.

"We also expect AMA to promote fair pricing," he said.

AMA will work closely with existing marketing institutions and the Agriculture Ministry to enhance orderly promotion of agricultural products.

CBZ managing director Dr John Mangudya will chair the board whose members include former Acting Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Mr Charles Chikaura, Mr Stansalays Goredema, Mr Zvinechimwe Ruvinga Churu, Mr Basil Nyabadza and Tobacco Industry Marketing Board chairman Mr Njodzi Machirori.

Others are Zimbabwe Farmers Union second vice president Mr Berean Mukwende, former Cottco chief executive Mr Happymore Mapara, Mr Tawanda Chitapi of TH Chitapi and Associates, and Mrs Nancy Zitsanza from Agriculture Ministry.

Dr Mangudya pledged to improve agricultural production for food security and for supply of raw materials to manufacturers.

Farmers and farmer organisations have been calling for the reintroduction of the regulatory board following the introduction of the multi-currency system. They felt they were being shortchanged due to the absence of a supervisory instrument.

AMA was established in 1967 and abolished in 1993 after Government adopted the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme.

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