
Wednesday, February 03, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T fires Masvingo mayor

MDC-T fires Masvingo mayor
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 18:38:00 +0000

PRIME Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T’s provincial executive has dismissed Masvingo mayor Femius Chakabuda from the party, accusing him of corruption and insubordination.

The comes soon after the party read the riot act on its Chitungwiza executive, and the party’s UK, Ireland and South Africa branches. The party has also instituted inquiries into allegations of corruption in Bindura, Redcliff, Marondera and Kadoma.

MDC-T Masvingo provincial chairman Wilstaff Sitemere said Chakabuda’s unanimous dismissal followed a two-week probe.

"The provincial disciplinary committee sat Friday and came to that decision after a two-week probe on Chakabuda."

Some of the reasons cited for the dismissal relate to the allocation of stands and purchase of a Mercedes Benz.

It is alleged that Chakabuda sidelined MDC-T officials who were eyeing influential positions in council which went on to be occupied by persons who are said to have Zanu PF links.

Yesterday, MDC-T organising secretary Engineer Elias Mudzuri said their national executive was yet to receive information on the dismissal.

He indicated that the provincial executive had no power to deal with such matters and must refer any corruption allegations against the mayor to the national executive.

"The party constitution is clear that any person who is implicated in any misconduct should be brought before the disciplinary committee and the party’s standing committee is the only organ which is empowered to dismiss a person from the party.

"The issue of local governments is being handled by (deputy secretary-general Tapiwa) Mashakada and he has not tabled any document before the national executive," he said.

Observers said Chakabuda was being used as a sacrificial lamb to cover deep-rooted corruption in MDC-T.

"Chakabuda is just a sacrificial lamb in the MDC-T corruption saga and his immediate dismissal is a desperate and exhaustive measure to sanitise the party from for its corrupt activities"

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