
Monday, February 22, 2010

Mazabuka Radio callers lambaste Machungwa as a fool, sellout

Mazabuka Radio callers lambaste Machungwa as a fool, sellout
By Staff Reporter
Mon 22 Feb. 2010, 03:56 CAT

CALLERS to Mazabuka Radio’s Live wire programme yesterday accused Luapula member of parliament Peter Machungwa of being a sellout and insulting Michael Sata after being compromised by the MMD. And Machungwa, who featured on the programme, accused The Post of hating Frederick Chiluba following his victory in the courts of law.

The callers to the programme said Machungwa was not the right person to comment on PF matters because he was a sellout who was recently paraded to attack PF leader Sata in Luapula Province during President Rupiah Banda’s visit.

One caller called Machungwa a fool while others ordered the presenter Joe Pandwe not to invite what he termed time- wasters to the radio station.

The callers said Machungwa was not sincere with the party that made him win the election by attacking Sata just because he had allegedly been bought by the MMD.

The callers, who also jeered and mocked him for playing double standards, told Machungwa that Zambians had already decided on their next leader whether he and his friends liked it or not.

One caller, Silvester Simayaba told Machungwa that he was disappointed with him for behaving like a person who had never been to school.

Simayaba reminded Machungwa that most positions in parastatal organisations were occupied by either party officials of the MMD or its sympathisers.

“Who are you trying to cheat? Are you not ashamed of telling lies on radio? I want to remind you that all those people serving in foreign missions are party cadres or sympathisers of the MMD. So what is wrong with PF doing that when it forms government?” asked Simayaba.

Simayaba’s comments came in the wake of Machungwa's assertion that the PF constitution stated that all appointments in key government positions particularly permanent secretaries would be drawn from the party.

Machungwa accused The Post of being trivial.
He said the amount of hate for Chiluba by The Post was evidenced by its reaction when magistrate Jones Chinyama acquitted the former president.

Machungwa said “that small paper”, in reference to The Post, had been attacking President Rupiah Banda over Chiluba’s acquittal because they thought they were capable of taking back the case to court.

He said it was not possible to take Chiluba’s case back to court whether there was a new government or not because such a decision could only be made by the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) and not the Republican President.

Machungwa said President Banda respected the independence of the Judiciary and would not interfere in the running of the courts. He wondered why The Post and other organisations that hated Chiluba were not comfortable with the decision of the court.

He also accused The Post of publishing what he called pornography which he said was corrupting the moral fibre of young people.

Machungwa said Zambia was a Christian nation and such materials were prohibited by most cultures in the country.

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